Powwow Report for Germany - Emden (Nov 4 2005)

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Report from  Henk Peelen
East-Friesland, a cultural borderland

This was a very special powwow! This former farm and the royal domains once were owned by king Frederick, and the Gastwirt (innkeeper) Herr Bruno Badura joined us in our conversations which came to a head at the dinner table, richly laid with home-made apple pies, marmelades, sausages, tomato soup, and much more. Good reason for biking all the way to Krummh�rn, to loose weight.
Since East-Friesland has a Low-German language many of the conversation was about the two sound shifts (law of Grimm and law of Verner) and the result of these linquistical evolutions into nowadays geographical relationships, where debattical excursions were made to tea trade, Catherine the Great, Frederick himself (alte Fritz according to the innkeeper) ship building, Dutch immigrants and so on. Many a time Lina, Kornelia, G�nter and I could lean back and listen.
When the �pupils� escaped the all-embracing care of the Gastwirt, topics like transcription and translation of tapped phone calls about drug transports, teaching Dutch to Germans, German-Dutch trade and the role of language teaching / translators / interpreters therein, false friends and so on were discussed.
Bodily field trips were made to the surrounding villages, churches, markets, a goat farm (however, believe it or not, the pics above are us, not the goats) the harbor and much more.
The entire powwow was quite a big intellectual excursion about language, history and geography.

G�nter assisted me in making pictures. Great!
Thanks Kornelia and G�nter, for organizing this powwow.
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Report from  D.K. Tannwitz
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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
sylvie malich (X)
Edith Kelly
Henk Peelen
Loubna Benkirane
SueC (X)
D.K. Tannwitz
Kevin Lin

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