Powwow Report for Canada - Vancouver, B.C. (Dec 15 2001)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Beatriz Garmendia
Evelyna Radoslavova
Fabienne Garlatti

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Feb 15 '02  Lota: yes, why not?
we can meet in the same place (Woodlands) or elsewhere. I am OK with any Vancouver location.
Feb 15 '02  FPE: More to come on the next Powow? (February?)
Feb 15 '02  Fabienne Garlatti: test
Jan 7 '02  Beatriz Garmendia: Sorry, I can't go
I hope you have a good time. This time it is not possible for me to attend.
Jan 7 '02  Lota: Tonight?
I am not sure if this is happening tonight. Are people coming?
Please let me know by the afternoon if possible.
Lota ([email protected])
Jan 4 '02  thierry2: OK for Monday 7th
Same place is OK for me.
6 pm is OK. Earlier too.
Jan 3 '02  Fabienne Garlatti: January 7 :-(
I won't be able to attend (I'll be away for a month starting 1/6) but count me in next month. Wishing you lots of rewarding work in the New Year!
Jan 3 '02  Lota: Jsnuary 7, 2002
That would be nice. I will be able to attend. Same place? At what time?
Jan 3 '02  Suzanne Blangsted (X): January 7
I have a change in e-mail address to [email protected]. I will be making a change in powwow group. There is now a Seattle group, which might be easier for me to attend. I will keep an eye on the Vancouver site and will attend whenever possible.
Jan 3 '02  Evelyna Radoslavova: January 7? ;-)
Happy New Year and lots of happiness and success to everyone.
Sorry I haven't been in touch, but I was swamped up till I left on vacation and I just came back.
Are you still up for January 7? How about 6 pm, same place, unless you have any other suggestion (another day is also fine, but I probably won't be able to attend if it's during the weekend).
Best regards,
Dec 17 '01  Fabienne Garlatti: (to be followed)
will double-check prices and food for a futur Sunday brunch and keep you posted. was nice meeting you all. wish you plenty of work for next year. cheers.
Dec 17 '01  Fabienne Garlatti: suggestion for after next-time
here's the place Michael talked about: http://www.balthazarvancouver.com/
Dec 15 '01  thierry2: Will attend
I confirm I will be there.