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5987 polls, displaying 1 through 50
How do you feel about the context provided in KudoZ questions?
By Oleksii Zharyk - featured on 08:10
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Do you think the work is decreasing this month?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 22
Yes, a lot 32.4%
Yes, a bit 16.5%
Neutral 15.9%
No, it has increased 15.9%
No, it's the same 11.9%
N/A Other 7.4%
176 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I am a … translator/interpreter
By Camille Abou Jamra - featured on Sep 21
Bilingual 49.5%
Trilingual 33.3%
Quadrilingual 17.2%
291 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What was the highest discount you were asked to offer after providing a quote for your service?
By Iulia Parvu - featured on Sep 20
Other or N/A (please share) 24.7%
31% to 50% 18.4%
16% to 30% 16.7%
Less than 15% 15.9%
Above 75% 13.0%
51% to 75% 11.3%
239 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My average daily translation output right now is:
By anonymous - featured on Sep 19
2,050 - 2,500 words 19.3%
1,550 - 2,000 words 16.3%
2,550 - 3,000 words 15.4%
More than 3,500 words 14.2%
1,050 - 1,500 words 10.4%
Less than 500 words 9.8%
550 - 1,000 words 7.4%
3,050 - 3,500 words 7.1%
337 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What drives your passion for translation or interpreting?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 18
Love for languages and cultures. 33.6%
Flexibility and work-life balance. 18.7%
The intellectual challenge. 18.4%
Financial independence. 16.5%
N/A (please share) 7.2%
Helping people communicate across barriers. 5.6%
321 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever had a healthcare experience that made you appreciate clear communication?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 17
No 42.7%
Yes. 42.3%
Other (please share) 15.0%
213 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you think advertising your services in Likedin is important?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 16
No. 45.6%
It depends. 28.4%
Yes. 21.4%
N/A (discuss) 4.7%
215 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Someone once said that “AI will only replace those who use it”.
By Camille Abou Jamra - featured on Sep 15
This is not clear to me yet. 39.1%
Totally disagree. 30.4%
Totally agree. 24.5%
Other N/A (please discuss) 6.0%
184 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which is your usual conflict management style at work?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 14
Negotiating (discuss/keep an open dialogue) 34.2%
Avoiding (steer clear of conflicts) 18.7%
Collaborating (a mutually beneficial solution) 18.7%
Other (share) 13.7%
Compromising (take middle ground) 7.8%
Competing (stand firm on my position to win) 3.7%
Accommodating (give in to keep peace) 3.2%
219 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When you get angry, do you...
By anonymous - featured on Sep 13
take a break to cool off? 30.7%
stay calm and address the issue logically? 19.3%
vent to someone you trust? 14.6%
Other (discuss) 13.5%
exercise or engage in a physical activity? 12.8%
meditate/practice deep breathing techniques? 5.5%
channel your frustration into your work? 3.6%
274 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much of their tech stack should LSPs own and develop in-house?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 12
N/A (discuss) 40.2%
Some of it 21.3%
Most of it 16.7%
None 16.7%
All of it 5.2%
174 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you raise your rates?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 11
My prices vary project by project. 36.2%
Only to new clients. 28.3%
Other (pls share) 19.1%
I have a fixed rate for everything. 10.2%
Annually, around January (to all clients). 6.1%
293 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which aspect of translation/interpretation do you find most challenging?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 10
Balancing accuracy with readability/fluency. 24.2%
Understanding complex terminology. 21.4%
Managing client expectations. 16.5%
Other (discuss) 16.1%
Dealing with payments. 12.6%
Maintaining cultural nuances. 9.1%
285 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In your opinion, which language does every country want to learn?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 9
English 74.8%
Other (please specify) 7.9%
Chinese 4.5%
Spanish 3.7%
Zulu 2.9%
Japanese 2.1%
Arabic 1.2%
French 1.2%
Hindi 0.8%
Korean 0.8%
242 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you feel about the potential for improved networking through the new version of
By anonymous - featured on Sep 7
Won't make much of a difference 37.3%
Other (please specify) 25.5%
It will be helpful 16.8%
Skeptical, but willing to try it 10.6%
Excited 9.9%
161 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you have zero tolerance mostly for in your professional work as a translator or interpreter?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 6
Late or non-payment from clients 30.2%
Low rates or undervaluing my work 24.8%
Unrealistic deadlines 14.1%
Disrespectful behavior or lack of professiona 13.4%
Other (please specify) 8.4%
Constant last-minute changes to the project 5.0%
Poor communication or unclear instructions 4.0%
298 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Does it make sense to use multiple choice in a translation test?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 5
It depends on what is being tested. 59.0%
No. 28.7%
Yes. 9.9%
Other (discuss) 2.4%
293 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How satisfied are you with your current rates?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 4
Neutral 38.2%
Satisfied 28.5%
Dissatisfied 23.5%
Very dissatisfied 5.0%
Very satisfied 3.3%
N/A (discuss) 1.4%
361 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is your primary search engine?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 3
Google 90.2%
DuckDuckGo 3.0%
Other (please share) 2.8%
Bing 1.8%
Startpage/Ixquick 1.3%
Brave 0.8%
SearX 0.3%
Swisscows 0.0%
396 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How can a translator use online AI tools when working under NDA?
By Ekaterina Chashnikova - featured on Sep 2
A combination of the above 31.7%
None of the above 21.5%
N/A (please share) 17.1%
Ask questions about a term or subject 13.8%
Translate anonymized text 10.6%
Brainstorming (suggest variants) 5.3%
246 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you feel about working in a coworking space (in-person) with colleagues living nearby?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 1
I prefer working alone 48.3%
I'd be open to joining occasionally 21.0%
I'm not very interested but could consider it 19.3%
I'd love to do it regularly 8.0%
Other (discuss) 3.4%
176 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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This weekend, I'll be busy...
By anonymous - featured on Aug 31
working 23.0%
doing what-ever-I-want and none of your business! 22.3%
doing family activities 12.9%
with a combination of... (please share) 12.6%
doing house/household-related activities or work 10.1%
reading/studying/researching 5.8%
socializing 5.0%
playing 4.7%
with something else (please share) 3.6%
278 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you find yourself turning down some clients because of the CAT tools they require?
By O María Elena Guerrero - featured on Aug 30
Yes 68.4%
No 31.6%
393 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you cope with stressful situations?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 28
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Would you describe your job as stressful?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 27
Occasionally, depending on the project. 38.5%
Rarely, I find it mostly manageable. 23.8%
It varies depending on the client or deadline 18.0%
No, I don’t find it stressful at all. 10.5%
Yes, it’s very stressful most of the time. 7.8%
Other (please specify). 1.4%
361 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many areas of expertise do you have?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 26
3-4 40.4%
5 or more 30.1%
1-2 21.9%
Other (please share) 7.5%
319 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which technology from the past do you miss the most?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 25
Handwritten notes and letters 33.7%
Other - N/A (discuss) 22.1%
Printed dictionaries and reference books 21.6%
Landline phones 6.3%
Analog tape recorders 5.3%
Typewriters 4.7%
Fax machines 4.2%
Dial-up internet 2.1%
Early word processors 0.0%
190 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you keep your brain healthy?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 24
All the above 32.6%
Regular physical exercise 20.4%
Getting enough sleep 15.5%
Other (please specify) 12.7%
Brain games and puzzles (e.g., crosswords) 9.4%
Meditation/mindfulness practices 3.9%
Socializing with friends and family 2.8%
Limiting screen time 2.8%
181 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you find yourself turning down certain clients because of the payment method(s) they use?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 23
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Are you taking any time off in August?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 22
No 61.2%
Yes. 33.1%
Other (please share) 5.7%
353 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The main reason I am a part-time freelancer is because...
By anonymous - featured on Aug 21
Other (please share) 46.9%
there's insufficient translation work. 27.2%
I prefer not to work any additional hours. 9.9%
I have another part-time freelance job. 6.2%
I have a full-time job as an employee. 5.8%
I have a part-time job as an employee. 4.1%
243 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever seen anyone using a “Translation Earpiece”?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 20
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Have you read a translation of a female author’s work lately?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 19
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Do you think having a professional website is profitable?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 18
No, ProZ or similar sites are enough. 31.2%
Yes, but I still do not have one. 20.6%
Yes, I do have one. 18.5%
No, I have one and it does not make any difference at all. 17.5%
Other (discuss) 12.2%
189 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you participated in the Olympics MTPE video project, what were your professional impressions?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 17
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How often do you doubt your achievements despite evidence of your success?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 16
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Have you ever faced any challenges in the industry you feel your male/female counterparts did not?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 15
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How do you mostly identify a scam or fraud before it's too late?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 14
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Have you heard about the Slow Translation Manifesto?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 13
No, never. 87.5%
Yes. 11.6%
Other (please share) 0.9%
327 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you get more jobs as a freelancer in the summer due to companies' employees vacations?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 12
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Have you set any personal goals for the summer?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 11
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How much more do you pay weekly/monthly for groceries today compared to 2022?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 10
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Which is the main benefit of using CAT tools?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 9
Translation consistency 52.4%
Shorter turnaround 17.7%
Other 10.2%
Quality assurance 6.5%
Segmentation 5.4%
Ease of collaboration 4.4%
Ability to handle different file types 3.4%
294 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which is the main benefit of belonging to a professional body?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 8
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In which of these situations would you apply surcharges?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 7
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What would you do if a Proz member is not polite or even offensive towards you (Kudoz, forums)?
By Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida - featured on Aug 6
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MIT researchers make the case that language is a tool for communication, not for thought.
By anonymous - featured on Aug 5
Disagree 51.0%
Agree 26.1%
Other (discuss) 22.8%
241 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you ever offer clients complementary services to increase profitability?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 4
Sometimes 42.3%
Never 41.7%
Other (please share) 11.7%
Always 4.3%
163 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you watch the Olympics?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 3
No 56.8%
Yes 37.3%
Other (please share) 5.9%
236 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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5987 polls, displaying 1 through 50