Could not import an xls file
Thread poster: Carol Chen
Carol Chen
Carol Chen  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:07
English to Chinese
Nov 15, 2008

Dear All, today I try to import an xls file with large volumn (about 3000 lines) ,but it fails. It prompts error as "Pls switch to" "retry" and etc. Is it due to its large amount ? Could anybody kindly give advice? Many thanks! Sincere Carol Chen

David BUICK  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:07
Member (2006)
French to English
+ ...
Some suggestions Nov 15, 2008

Try the following:

a) make sure the file is not still open...
b) copy the file and try importing the copy
c) if the file has more than one sheet, try saving each sheet in a separate file and importing them one at a time.

Carol Chen
Carol Chen  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:07
English to Chinese
Many thanks! Nov 16, 2008

Dear Eutychus, Thanks a lot!I wait for some time and then it works.


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Could not import an xls file

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