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Search results: (21 matches)
Latvian Pašnodarbinātais un nodokļi Par nodokļiem Kad es dzīvoju Latvijā un biju
pašnodarbinātā, tad nemaz neslēdzu līgumu par
ikmēneša grāmatvedības pakalpojumiem.
Manuprāt, ja tas nav uzņēmums, bet viena
persona, kas u
Ilona Kangro Aug 18, 2008
Trados support Error during the activation process - SDL Trados 2007 Freelance Similar experience I also got the same error message today. I had to
re-install everything in my PC, but re-activation
of Trados did not seem to work. I followed the
advice of this thread, contacted Trados s
Ilona Kangro Jul 11, 2008
Interpreting European Union exam for interpreters More about interpreting Dear Alessandra, If you have formal training in
interpreting, I believe you've got what it takes
to pass this exam. I passed this exam after a 2
years' break (no interpreting at all). B
Ilona Kangro Apr 19, 2008
Interpreting European Union exam for interpreters My experience I am already an accredited EU freelance
interpreter and I can share with you my experience
with the exam. I have no idea what 5 envelopes
you are talking about - I did not have anythin
Ilona Kangro Apr 18, 2008
Trados support Error 1606: could not access network location Same here I'm having exactly the same problem, only I have
Office 2003. So you are not the only one. But I
have no solution yet.
Ilona Kangro Apr 3, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice I don't want to work, but I work :) - any solutions? Drawing a line What about not working at the weekend (that is, if
you keep working at the weekend)? I used to have a
similar problem, and I just drew a line, which
means I may work morning to night durin
Ilona Kangro Jan 21, 2008
Trados support Translation Memory - a new one for every job? Topic classification If a client does not require a separate TM, I use
a separate TM for individual ongoing projects or
permanent clients, as other colleagues already
suggested, OR create topic-based TMs. e.g.
Ilona Kangro Oct 15, 2007
KudoZ Closed questions Wrong/inadequate answer It may happen that a wrong/inadequate answer is
selected. Somebody who is searching for the same
term later may spot this inadequacy and point it
out either by disagree or a separate answe
Ilona Kangro Oct 5, 2007
Latvian Minimum fee pros and cons 1 lapas cena Ja man atsūta tulkojumu, kas sastāv no pāris
teikumiem vai dažiem vārdiem, vai Latvijas
klientu gadījumā nesasniedz tradicionālās 1800
zīmes jeb 1 lapu, es iekasēju minimālo ma
Ilona Kangro Aug 23, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Budapest - Hungary Weekend Most probably I'll be there only at the weekend. I
guess Saturday or Sunday would be the best time to
Ilona Kangro Aug 2, 2007
Latvian Powwow Latvijā Tikšanās vieta Man arī būtu ērtāk Rīgā, lai gan Ulda
piedāvātais variants šķiet bezgala vilinošs.
Tātad balsoju par Rīgu, bet par ārpus Rīgas
variantu arī nebūšu noskumusi. Ilona
Ilona Kangro Jun 4, 2007
Latvian Sveiksim Austru! Lai sokas! Apsveicu ar jauno amatu! Ilona Ilona Kangro May 22, 2007
Latvian Powwow Latvijā Noteikti Ja runa ir par jūlija pirmo pusi, tad es arī
esmu nācēja.
Ilona Kangro May 3, 2007
Translation Theory and Practice Google strategy: number of hits Check out the sources I agree that google hits do not always reflect the
correct usage/meaning of the term, therefore I
always check the sources. If, for instance, the
term has been widely used in the target la
Ilona Kangro Apr 2, 2007
Latvian Budapeštas konference Paldies visiem, kas atsaucās... Ļoti priecāšos visus satikt šajā
konferencē! Ilona
Ilona Kangro Mar 20, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you unwind at the end of a long day? There is LIFE beyond translation I answered OTHER because it really depends.
Sometimes I cook as I find it extremelly relaxing
and creative, and above all useful - my family
members always appreciate it. Sometimes a
Ilona Kangro Feb 28, 2007
Latvian Budapeštas konference Budapeštas konference Sveiciens visiem, un lai raiti sokas
tulkošana! Gribēju noskaidrot, cik ir tādu
latviešu tulku/tulkotāju, kuri nopietni apsver
iespēju piedalīties gaidāmajā Budapeštas
Ilona Kangro Jan 17, 2007
Getting established Working with a client PO, then Invoice Just issue them an invoice stating the payment
deadline after the completion of the work. Before
you start translating at all, ask the client to
provide a payment order. Even if it is just
Ilona Kangro Jan 11, 2007
Money matters Increasing rates - what about existing clients? Consultation + justification Recently I increased rates for one of my
outsourcers, and there were no problems whatsover.
First, I wrote an e-mai stating that I intended to
increase my rate up to .... and provided the<
Ilona Kangro Jan 11, 2007
Latvian Kā man patīk šī ziema Pavasaris!!! Nav ziema, bet ir pavasaris jeb rudens/pavasara
hibrīds atkarībā no Eiropas daļas, kur
cilvēks atrodas :))
Ilona Kangro Jan 7, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Budapest - Hungary bemutatkozás Fő nyelvpárok: lett (anyanyelv)-angol-orosz. 3
év tapasztalat. PR/Marketing, szerzödések,
Ilona Kangro Jan 4, 2007

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Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business

Are you ready for something fresh in the industry? TM-Town is a unique new site for you -- the freelance translator -- to store, manage and share translation memories (TMs) and glossaries...and potentially meet new clients on the basis of your prior work.

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