May 29, 2018 09:57
6 yrs ago
English term

Exit tacticts

English to French Social Sciences Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs ONG lutte contre le terrorisme

à quoi l'expression "exit tactics" fait-elle référence en français ? Il s'agit de la biographie d'une personne du Royaume-Uni engagée dans la lutte contre le terrorisme.

"he led the team with responsibility for the prevention and diversion aspects of gang crime including the delivery of mediation and EXIT TACTICTS as well as identifying opportunities for the police to work in partnership with..."

merci d'avance


ph-b (X) May 31, 2018:
Daryo, "CL5 is slighty overoptimistic - it's not "the only one and unique translation". Pour info, le NC5 signifie que l'on est certain de sa réponse ; cela ne signifie pas que ce soit la seule réponse possible, ni d'ailleurs qu'elle soit exacte. Cf. point 3.13 ici :
Daryo May 31, 2018:
Must be.
AllegroTrans May 29, 2018:
A typo?? for "tactics"??

Proposed translations

6 hrs
English term (edited): exit tactics

stratégies de réahabilitation/réinsertion

The word is TACTICS not tacticts
I think this is about getting gang members to give up criminality

Mano Dura: The Politics of Gang Control in El Salvador
Sonja Wolf - 2017 - ‎Political Science
Prevention and rehabilitation/reinsertion both seek to address the ... the advocacy strategies they pursued to reshape the government's Mano Dura gang policy.

DF]Prévention de la Récidive et la Réinsertion Sociale des Délinquants

Une stratégie de prévention du crime n'est pas complète sans des mesures ..... cès prioritaire aux programmes de réhabilitation et de réinsertion, de gestion des ...

Peer comment(s):

agree Daryo : it's not directly a translation for "exit", but "exit [from a gang]" does boil down to "réahabilitation/réinsertion"
1 day 19 hrs
merci bcp
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "merci beaucoup"
16 mins

stratégies de sortie (d'un gang)


Note added at 17 mins (2018-05-29 10:14:06 GMT)

local gang exit intervention tactics and protocols among Ottawa area agencies that serve youth who are gang-involved.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Laurence Dana : Here the exit strategies refer to evacuating hostages
1 hr
Where to you see "hostages" in the source text? On the contrary, this is in the text: " prevention and diversion aspects of gang crime.."
agree Daryo : that's the idea - although CL5 is slighty overoptimistic - it's not "the only one and unique translation"
2 days 2 hrs
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18 mins

une stratégie pour se désembrigader

"Il veut témoigner, aider d\'autres jeunes à se désembrigader : il a même appelé le numéro vert Stop-Djihadisme."
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : this ST is about plain common criminal gangs // terrorist groups of fanatics are a completely different game!
2 days 2 hrs
Leonide a expliqué que: " Il s'agit de la biographie d'une personne du Royaume-Uni engagée dans la lutte contre le terrorisme." Il me semble qu'il s'agit bien de gang terroriste.
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2 hrs

stratégies d'évacuation (des otages) ou stratégies de replis (de la police)

I have a hunch the former is what the author had in mind :
stratégies d'évacuation
Peer comment(s):

disagree Renvi Ulrich : It's overtranslated. The word hostage, and the concept of rapt are absent from the context.
4 mins
I was saying hostage as an example. It is not over-translating at all. Given the word "mediation" just before "exit tactics" I thinks it's highly likely to relate to "stratégie d'évacuation" rather than "stratégie de sortie"
neutral AllegroTrans : I very much doubt whether this is about hostages but about rehabilitating gang members. See
4 hrs
disagree Daryo : it's about helping gang members to get out the gang - nothing to do with hostage taking + FYI the "mediation" part is about "mediation" between rival gangs to prevent petty conflicts between gangs escalating into Wild West shootouts in the streets!
2 days 3 mins
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