Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Arabic term or phrase:
English translation:
to conciliate/appease/calm down/cool down/settle/soothe/assuage
Arabic term
Jul 3, 2013 07:29: Muhammad Said changed "Language pair" from "English to Arabic" to "Arabic to English"
Proposed translations
to conciliate/appease/calm down/cool down/settle/soothe/assuage
Any of them may help.
to be sincere/ to be honest
come to terms
to serenade
Hath Ye had serenaded my heart, .......
كيف يدعو المرء قلب آخر سوى بكلمة تصل إليه بلا حواجز ...؟ وخصوصاً لو كانت عبر لحن وصوت رخيم
Something went wrong...