Glossary entry

Chinese term or phrase:


English translation:

mild (aortic) insufficiency

Added to glossary by albertdeng
Jan 8, 2013 22:43
12 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Chinese term


Chinese to English Medical Medical (general)

Proposed translations

49 mins

mild (aortic) insufficiency

mild constriction of aortic valve(s) with mild insufficiency
Peer comment(s):

agree Joanna Chow
4 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you."
1 hr

mild regurgitation

Mild regurgitation
Example sentence:

Mild regurgitation may not need treatment, but people with more severe regurgitation may need to take angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors

Mild Tricuspid regurgitation may be detected in over 90% of the normal population by color Doppler echocardiogram.

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