Glossary entry

Croatian term or phrase:

određivanje tvari spektrofotometrijskom metodom

English translation:

determination of substances by spectrophotometric method

Added to glossary by V&M Stanković
Jan 17, 2007 10:27
18 yrs ago
Croatian term

određivanje tvari spektrofotometrijskom metodom

Croatian to English Other Medical: Pharmaceuticals laboratorijske metode
Potrebno je dokazati da je propisana spektrofotometrijska metoda prikladna za određivanje tvari u inaktiviranim uljnim vakcinama

- Trebam prijevod cijele rečenice. hvala
Change log

Jan 17, 2007 10:39: Ivana Bjelac changed "Language pair" from "English to Croatian" to "Croatian to English"

Proposed translations

1 hr

determination of substances by spectrophotometric method

Potrebno je dokazati da je propisana spektrofotometrijska metoda prikladna za određivanje tvari u inaktiviranim uljnim vakcinama.
It should be proved that issued spectrophotometric method is suitable for substances determination in inactivated oil vaccines.

Springer, New York
Spectrophotometric method for the quantitative determination of the active substances in rediatric propolis granules

Biology Online - Dictionary:
oil vaccine --> adjuvant vaccine
A vaccine that contains an adjuvant; most often the antigen (immunogen) is included in a water-in-oil emulsion (Freund incomplete type adjuvant), or is adsorbed onto an inorganic gel (alum, aluminum hydroxide or phosphate).
Note from asker:
Hvala vam.
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agree Sherefedin MUSTAFA
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