Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:

healthcare provider

Added to glossary by Martijn Naarding
Mar 5, 2002 10:07
23 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Dutch term


Non-PRO Dutch to English Medical
mensen of organisaties die zich inzetten als hulpverlener maar in de zorgsector. Is er een goed woord dat de lading dekt in het Engels?

Proposed translations

1 hr

healthcare provider

A healthcare provider is most likely to refer to any organisation (e.g. hospital) in the healthcare industry, whereas a healthcare practioner refers to a person qualified to provide care.

[Healthcare can also be written as health care.]

Note added at 2002-03-05 12:43:42 (GMT)

Re \"careworker\" (from

Careworker A.

A person who is:

employed as a carer by an organisation such as Community Service Volunteers, by a public body or by the person being cared for, if introduced to that person by a charitable body;
living in accommodation provided by/on behalf of the relevant body or employer in order to provide the care;
employed to provide care for at least 24 hours p.w. & paid no more than £30 p.w.
Care worker B.

A person who is:

living with and caring for someone with a disability who is not his/her spouse/partner or child under 18 but is in receipt of a qualifying benefit;
providing care for at least 35 hours p.w. on average.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Adam Smith : Healthcare practitioner is rarely used. Healthcare worker is used for groups, such as nursing and care assistants, to distinguish them from clinical, nursing and other healthcare professionals.
13 mins
If 28,200 hits on Google for "healthcare practitioner" and 64,300 for "health care practitioner" constitutes rare, then I concede. Try comparing that to "healthcare worker" (8,030 hits) and "health care worker" (25,200).
agree Charles Stanford : Works in my context
7008 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "this is the one thanks!"
2 mins

social worken -of- relief worker

Is dat wat je bedoelt?

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3 mins

care provider / health professional

gevonden in Eurodicautom


Serge L.


Peer comment(s):

agree Tina Vonhof (X) : Care provider is usually a professional or an organization.
9 hrs
Thanks Tina
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9 mins


eigenlijk spreekt toch niets tegen de standaardvertaling in deze context?
> 300000 Google hits.

Peer comment(s):

agree Tina Vonhof (X) : Caregiver is usually a non-professional (family member etc.). In British English this is also called a 'carer'.
9 hrs
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12 mins

care provider / careworker

Careworker als je mensen bedoelt, en care provider(s) voor organisaties.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Chris Hopley : care is not always the same thing as zorg:
55 mins
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9 hrs

Home Help

If this is domestic caring in a person's home, careworkers are known as Home Help.

Community Care Statistics 1999: Home help/ home care services ...
... Households receiving home help/care. The number of households receiving home help/care
in 1999 was 424,000, down by 5% on 1998 and a decrease of 20% since 1992 ...

Home and Community Care
... What HACC Services Are Available? Home Help (including personal care) Home Help Services
can help you with household tasks such as house cleaning, washing and ...

Note added at 2002-03-05 19:19:46 (GMT)

\'zor gen - zorgde, h. gezorgd
care for
look after
see (to)
see to
take care (to)
take care of
daar moeten zij voor zorgen: that\'s up to them
hij moet voor de kinderen zorgen: he\'ll have to see to the children
voor de oude dag zorgen: provide for one\'s old age
voor het eten zorgen: see to the food
voor zichzelf zorgen: fend for oneself

This does not have to be a medical question, older people are generally the first that need taking care of, and they may not even be ill.
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15 hrs

social worker, relief worker, welfare worker, case worker

social worker:someone employed to provide social services (especially to the disadvantaged)

relief worker: someone providing aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped.

aid worker: who works in a humanitarian organisation (aid to third-world countries, the poor, etc.)

welfare worker: also, someone employed to provide social services (especially to the disadvantaged)

caseworker: synonym of welfare worker.

Note added at 2002-03-06 01:30:17 (GMT)

medical social worker: An official in a British hospital who looks after the social and material needs of the patients, synonymous with \"almoner\"

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