Apr 30, 2002 23:52
22 yrs ago
Dutch term


Non-PRO Dutch Art/Literary Geography Geography
I have been asked to copy out a poem which contains the name of the city Groening/Groning (The Netherlands). The author has stated that he is unsure of the correct spelling, although thinks that it is Groning. I searched the internet, and feel that the correct spelling is Groening, but would like some assurance... Hence, I am here for your help.
You may reply in English or French. My Dutch is limited to "Ate smack-a-luck!" (or something like that!)
Thank you so much!
4 +3 Groningen


Non-ProZ.com May 1, 2002:
Groningen I saw this too. Are you saying that there is NO Groening/Groning?


3 mins



Serge L.

Note added at 2002-04-30 23:56:39 (GMT)

see http://www.groningen.nl

Note added at 2002-05-01 00:20:18 (GMT)

I found a place called Groeningen, kying in the southern part of the Netherlands, near the German border.


Note added at 2002-05-01 00:22:55 (GMT)

Groeningen could also be the English spelling for \"Groningen\":

\"But in 1959, Royal Dutch/Shell and Esso struck a huge gas field in the Dutch city of Groeningen. At the time, gas was of mild interest compared with crude oil, but the Groeningen field was commercially lucrative. Geologists also knew that the presence of gas often meant that oil was nearby. Seismic mapping showed promising rock formations to the north of Groeningen, in the shallows of the Dutch North Sea.\"

See http://www.oil-offshore.com/history/chapter2.html
Peer comment(s):

agree swisstell
5 mins
agree Henk Peelen : eet smakelijk! (Ate smack-a-luck)
3 hrs
Bedankt Henk!
agree Ann VDP
7 hrs
Bedankt Anneken!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for your help. Most appreciated. And an extra special thank you to Henk for the "Eet smakelijk"! I have always wondered about that. Thanks again."
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