Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

kyphotic deformity

Arabic translation:

التشوه الحدبي للعمود الفقري

Added to glossary by Sami Khamou
May 31, 2003 16:54
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

kyphotic deformity

Non-PRO English to Arabic Medical
kyphotic deformity

(of the spine)

Proposed translations

41 mins

التشوه الحدبي للعمود الفقري

التشوه الحدبي للعمود الفقري
التشوه الحدبي للنخاع الشوكي
Peer comment(s):

agree Fuad Yahya : تشوُّه حُدابي
6 mins
Thank you Fuad
agree Spring2007 (X)
3 hrs
Thank you htms
agree Shazly
3 hrs
Thank you Shazly
agree Ahmad Sa'adah
5 hrs
Thank you Ahmad
agree Saleh Ayyub
1 day 3 hrs
Thank you Saleh
agree Bilal
2 days 4 hrs
Thank you Bilal
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