Feb 24, 2002 13:59
23 yrs ago
English term


Non-PRO English to Arabic Other
I wish i had my Freedom.

Proposed translations

4 hrs


and it pronounced as Hureyah or Hureyaton depending on the context

and the whole sentence "I wish I had my Freedom" is translated as:

أتمنى أن أكون حرا
And pronounced: Atamana'a Ann Akoun Huraan

أتمنى أن تكون عندي حرية
And pronounced: Atamana'a Ann Takoun Indey Hureyaton

can be trancsalted as
Peer comment(s):

agree AhmedAMS
7 days
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6 hrs

ليتني أتمتع بالحرية

Laitani Atamatta'u Bil-Hurriyah

ليتني كنت حراً
Laitani Konto Hurran

ليتني كنت طليقاً
Laitani Konto Taleeqan

Freedom = حرية - إنطلاق = Hurriyah - InTilaaq

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