Feb 4, 2013 14:55
12 yrs ago
English term


English to Arabic Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
There were rumours about the water, but the Public Utilities Commission blandly assured callers that the water was okay. Which left investigators trying to figure out if the problem was tainted food – or something else.
Proposed translations (Arabic)
4 بتلطف
4 +2 بلطف


Hatim Yousef (asker) Feb 10, 2013:
تبدى لي بعد تأمل أن الترجمة الأمثل ربما تكون: أكدوا تأكيدا باردا

Proposed translations

20 mins


bland comments or remarks are pleasant and intended not to make anyone upset or angry, but they may not be sincere

He gave the usual bland assurances about their commitment to peace.

Note from asker:
Thanks! Wouldn't it be better then to add the word تملق to تلطف
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "اخترت تلطف لأن تفعل تحمل معنى التكلف وهو ظل من ظلال معاني الكلمة "
19 mins


Peer comment(s):

agree TargamaT team
27 mins
agree Alexander Yeltsov
30 mins
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