Jun 24, 2003 14:09
21 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

be comfortable with you

English to Chinese Art/Literary
Your manufacturers will be very comfortable with you if you show them those certificates.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

对你们很信任 / 对你们很有信心

我理解,这里的comfortable 是有信心的意思。因为出示证书,目的就是增加生产厂商对你的信任。

我们常说 be comfortable with the job,意思就是对一项工作感到自信,能够胜任自如。
Peer comment(s):

agree Lichun E
6 hrs
agree Weiyong
7 hrs
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2 mins


Peer comment(s):

agree Java Kuang
6 mins
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10 hrs

be very comfortable with you

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23 hrs


be comfortable with you

Note added at 2003-06-25 13:59:57 (GMT)

To me, it\'s the first stage in meeting a stranger,
feel comfortable is: the relieve of cautious

2nd stage: well done, i am really amzed of how you can satisfy me

3rd stage: Don\'t worry, you have my whole trust, i have no doubt but confidence in you.

Some how, i do feel, comment, and/or critisize do play part of mental manupilation here.
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