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Nov 30, 2004 20:07
20 yrs ago
English term

Immutable System

English to Chinese Science Music History of Musical Theory
The systems described are in themselves independent of any actual pitch. When the ***Immutable System*** (i.e. the GPS together with the tetrachord synemmenon) was placed within a specific range of pitch, it was called a tonos (sometimes tropos). In the system of Aristoxenus there were 13 such tonoi, disposed at intervals of a semitone. Two higher tonoi were added later, making 15 in all, covering a range of three octaves and a tone. A omenoi with modern pitches is governed by the assumption, for which there are grounds in the notation, that the Hypolydian was the "natural" key; the conventional equivalents are probably too high, but it is not possible to determine by how much.


Discussion Dec 1, 2004:
�˴������ϵͳ�����dz��ʵ���������ġ��ѡ��㶨ϵͳ��(�����ϴ�����ϵͳ�������ĺ��ҵ�������)����һ���ض���������������ʱ��Ϊ����λ tonos��(��ʱ��Ϊ����λ tropos��)���� Aristoxenus ��ϵͳ���� 13 ������ġ���λ���ֲ��ڰ���׵�����ϡ����ټ���������ߵġ���λ����Ϊ 15 ������λ����������������ȣ������ּ�һ����λ���ִ�������϶�������ǻ��ڼ��� Hypolydian �ĵ���Ϊ����Ȼ��������Բ��н��յļǺŷ�����ʱ��֮���ĺ��ң���λ����̫�ߣ����޷�ȷ����˶��١�

Proposed translations

7 hrs


Perfect Immutable System (PIS)

The amalgamation of the Greater Perfect System and the Lesser Perfect System into one "complete" system.
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Comment: "抱歉, 這說的是調性系統."
1 day 9 hrs

refer to Euclid 欧几里得; 永不改变的; 不可修改系统(?)

Philolaus and Euclid
... on the kanon all the fixed notes of the immutable systema. ... do not exist in the same
tuning system (see Figure 2 ... 8/3, which, in the context of the GPS, are not ... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages

饮水思源-- 文章阅读[讨论区: Cryptology] - [ Translate this page ]
... 利玛窦与徐光启就是把前六卷译成中文的《几何原本》 有人把Euclid 与《原本》
看成平面几何的同意字,其实除了《原本》,Euclid 还写过大约一打的书本,
内容遍及光学、天文、音乐、锥线等领域。与其名气正好相反,Eucli d ... file=M.1091718024.A&num=2993&start=2978 - 5k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

数学网络教学——数学科学家 - [ Translate this page ]
... 有人把 Euclid 与《原本》看成平面几何的同意字,其实除了《原本》,Euclid
与其名气正好相反,Euclid 的生平却隐没不详,惟一可以确定的事 ... jsx/jcbxu/webschool/shuxue/kexuejia/euclid.htm - 20k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

immutable = (formal) not changing, or unable to be changed eg an immutable law

immutable = (fml) never changing (正式) 永不改变的;永恒的 eg the immutable laws of nature 永恒的大自然规律
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