Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Chinese translation:
Jun 10, 2002 20:54
22 yrs ago
English term
English to Chinese
phonetic and phonology
Proposed translations
5 +8 | phonology means"音韵学".It's a term in linguistics. |
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4 +4 | 音韵学、语音学、音位学、音系学、语音体系 |
Libin PhD
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5 | Please refer to the above-mentioned points. |
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4 | 语音体系 |
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Proposed translations
10 mins
phonology means"音韵学".It's a term in linguistics.
"phonetic" means "语音学的,语音学上的,跟语音学有关的等"
phonetics means "语音学".
Note added at 2002-06-10 21:35:47 (GMT)
Here, if \"phonology\" refers to the name of a course in linguistics or the title of a textbook in linguistics, you\'d better translate it as
\"音韵学\", as this is the way of translation unanimously acknowledged by all professors of phonology.
Note added at 2002-06-11 01:30:33 (GMT)
如果\"phonology\"也能翻译成“语音学”, 那么\"phonetics\" 又翻成什么呢?在语言学系, 这可是两门完全不同的课程!前者较后者难得多!
Note added at 2002-06-11 01:52:51 (GMT)
\"phonology\" and \"phonetics\" are two different subjects in the area of linguistics.If the translation for \"phonology\" is\"语音学\", then what would be the best translation for \"phonetics\"? \"语音学\" again?===>
Conclusion: phonology=\"音韵学\"
Note added at 2002-06-11 01:59:45 (GMT)
P.S. \"phonetic\" is the adjective form of \"phonetics\". Its meaning was explained above.
Note added at 2002-06-11 13:29:56 (GMT)
For more references, please check the following references:
1.Explanation in Phonology Paul Kiparskey, 1982.
2.Linguistics Analysis(Autosegmental Phonology) John Goldsmith 1975
3.Linguistic Inquiry, MIT Press 1975 Paul Kiparsky
4.On Stress and Linguistic Rhythem, 1977, Mark Lieberman Alan Prince
5.The handbook of Phonological Theory ,Blackwell 1995
6.Aspects of Underspecification Theory , Diana A 1988
7.Lexical Morphology and Phonology , Paul Kiparsky
8.Generalized Alignment , John McCarthy&A
9.Chomsky N. and Halle.1968.The sound pattern of English. N.Y. MIT Press, 1991.
10.Clements, G.N. The geometry of Phonological features,Phonology yearbook, 1985.
\"The sound pattern of English\"~{JGRtTOQ\'WnH(M~5D9$>_Ji#,4KJiR2R;V11;APN*SoQTQ\'O5Q\'Iz1X6AJi~}.~{SINw7=SoQTQ\'=gH(M~GGD7K9;yVwP4~}.~{R*Ok=xR;2=AK=bSoRtQ\':MRtTOQ\'5DA*O5Sk2n1p#,GkWPO8QP6A4KJi!#~}
~{3OH;~},~{WwN*;y4!Q\'?F#,SoRtQ\'N*RtTOQ\'5DQP>?La9)AK;y4!:M7=7(~}(~{;90|@(R;P)J5QiJ}>]~}),~{5+Ub>x2;RbN6WEA=U_JG5HM,5D!#<4J9TZVP9z4+M3SoQTQ\'5D6(Re@o#,~} ~{SoRtQ\'R2QO8qGx7VSZRtTOQ\'!#IO:#4GJi3v0fIg3v0f5D~}<<~{SoQTSkSoQTQ\'4J5d~}>>(~{R;V1JGMbSoO5Q\'Iz?<QP1X185DWV5d~})~{R2=+SoRtQ\'6(ReN*!0RtTOQ\'5DR;2?7V!1~},~{A=U_V.<d5D9XO5BT<{R;0_~}.
Note added at 2002-06-11 13:45:02 (GMT)
(There is a problem with the font), In Brief,
\"The sound pattern of English\"~{JGRtTOQ\'WnH(M~5D9$>_Ji~}(~{SINw7=SoQTQ\'=gH(M~GGD7K9;yVwP4~}).~{R*Ok=xR;2=AK=bSoRtQ\':MRtTOQ\'5DA*O5Sk2n1p#,GkWPO8QP6A4KJi!#~}
Note added at 2002-06-11 17:39:35 (GMT)
\"The sound pattern of English\" 由西方语言学界权威乔姆斯基主写,.要想进一步了解语音学和音韵学的联系与差别,请仔细研读此书。
诚然, 作为语言学的基础学科,语音学为音韵学的研究与完善提供了基础和方法(包括一些宝贵的实验数据),但这绝不意味着两者可以等同。即使在中国传统语言学中,语音学也严格区别于音韵学(请参照<<大学语文>>和<<现代汉语>>, 上海教育出版社出版)。另外,早在八十年代就由上海辞书出版社出版的<<语言与语言学词典>>(此书一直是八、九十年代外语系学生考研必备字典)也将语音学定义为“音韵学的一部分”. 随着中国语言学的发展,更多更好的音韵学字典也定将应运而生。作为语言爱好者, 我们翘首盼望着......
Note added at 2002-06-11 19:17:11 (GMT)
The following items are cited from the syllabi offerd by the Department of Linguistics in our University:
LIN 2120 PHONETICS (for undergraduate students)
Writing systems; speech physiology and articulation; segmental classifications; segmental and suprasegmental phenomena; phonetic transcription including laboratory exercises in discrimination and production. No prerequisite.
LIN 2100 PHONOLOGY I (for undergraduate students)
The nature and goals of phonological theory. Distinctive features. Levels of representation. Phonological processes and rules. Notational conventions. Techniques of analysis. Discussion of theoretical problems. Examination of the phonological structure of various languages. Prerequisite:LIN 2120(PHONETICS I).
LIN 5915 PHONOLOGY II (for master\'s students)
Issues and development in phonological theory since SPE, including abstractness, autosegmental phonology, metrical phonology, feature geometry, underspecification theory, lexical phonology and optimality theory. Prerequisite: LIN 2100
LIN 6915 PHONOLOGY III(for doctoral students)
Seminar in recent developments in generative phonologyl optimality theory, correspondence, theory and prosodic morphology. Prerequisite: LIN 5915
Note added at 2002-06-11 20:12:55 (GMT)
By the way, I already took the first three. I am taking the last PHONOLOGY course in September.
Note added at 2002-06-12 14:18:14 (GMT)
The asker (PML) put forward the two questions respectively.His way of asking these questions already demonstrates his capability of understanding the relationship between these two. Indeed,there is an important and fundamental distinction between phonology and phonetics, despite the fact that there is an obvious connection. To put it briefly , one could say that phonetics and phonology are two ways of looking at the same thing,i.e.,they are essentially two subjects. Well, here are some very useful links regarding the definitions of phonology and phonetics to further reinforce these points:
1.What does the USC Phonetics & Phonology Group do?
We study how the sound patterns of languages shape, the form of words and phrases (phonology), and
what the articulatory, acoustic, and perceptual characteristics of those sounds are (phonetics).
2.Phonetics:The study of the production of speech by the human vocal mechanisms: how are sounds made, how do speakers of different accents differ. Phonology:The study of the pronunciation of words and sentences: what basic sounds are used by a language, what regular patterning occurs in words; why does the sound used at the end of the word \"sing\" not occur at the beginning of a word?
3. Phonetics deals with how speech sounds are actually made, transmitted and received. Phonology, on the other hand, deals specifically with the ways those sounds are organized into the individual languages
4.Phonetics -- What are the sounds? How are they made?
Phonology -- How do sounds combine? How are they memorized?
Speaker\'s Listener\'s
Mind -----> Mouth ---------> Ear ----> Mind
| | | |
\\ / \\ /
Phonology Phonetics
I sincerely hope that all the information provided above can be of a great help to all of us who are truly enchanted in the wonderland of the science of language.
phonetics means "语音学".
Note added at 2002-06-10 21:35:47 (GMT)
Here, if \"phonology\" refers to the name of a course in linguistics or the title of a textbook in linguistics, you\'d better translate it as
\"音韵学\", as this is the way of translation unanimously acknowledged by all professors of phonology.
Note added at 2002-06-11 01:30:33 (GMT)
如果\"phonology\"也能翻译成“语音学”, 那么\"phonetics\" 又翻成什么呢?在语言学系, 这可是两门完全不同的课程!前者较后者难得多!
Note added at 2002-06-11 01:52:51 (GMT)
\"phonology\" and \"phonetics\" are two different subjects in the area of linguistics.If the translation for \"phonology\" is\"语音学\", then what would be the best translation for \"phonetics\"? \"语音学\" again?===>
Conclusion: phonology=\"音韵学\"
Note added at 2002-06-11 01:59:45 (GMT)
P.S. \"phonetic\" is the adjective form of \"phonetics\". Its meaning was explained above.
Note added at 2002-06-11 13:29:56 (GMT)
For more references, please check the following references:
1.Explanation in Phonology Paul Kiparskey, 1982.
2.Linguistics Analysis(Autosegmental Phonology) John Goldsmith 1975
3.Linguistic Inquiry, MIT Press 1975 Paul Kiparsky
4.On Stress and Linguistic Rhythem, 1977, Mark Lieberman Alan Prince
5.The handbook of Phonological Theory ,Blackwell 1995
6.Aspects of Underspecification Theory , Diana A 1988
7.Lexical Morphology and Phonology , Paul Kiparsky
8.Generalized Alignment , John McCarthy&A
9.Chomsky N. and Halle.1968.The sound pattern of English. N.Y. MIT Press, 1991.
10.Clements, G.N. The geometry of Phonological features,Phonology yearbook, 1985.
\"The sound pattern of English\"~{JGRtTOQ\'WnH(M~5D9$>_Ji#,4KJiR2R;V11;APN*SoQTQ\'O5Q\'Iz1X6AJi~}.~{SINw7=SoQTQ\'=gH(M~GGD7K9;yVwP4~}.~{R*Ok=xR;2=AK=bSoRtQ\':MRtTOQ\'5DA*O5Sk2n1p#,GkWPO8QP6A4KJi!#~}
~{3OH;~},~{WwN*;y4!Q\'?F#,SoRtQ\'N*RtTOQ\'5DQP>?La9)AK;y4!:M7=7(~}(~{;90|@(R;P)J5QiJ}>]~}),~{5+Ub>x2;RbN6WEA=U_JG5HM,5D!#<4J9TZVP9z4+M3SoQTQ\'5D6(Re@o#,~} ~{SoRtQ\'R2QO8qGx7VSZRtTOQ\'!#IO:#4GJi3v0fIg3v0f5D~}<<~{SoQTSkSoQTQ\'4J5d~}>>(~{R;V1JGMbSoO5Q\'Iz?<QP1X185DWV5d~})~{R2=+SoRtQ\'6(ReN*!0RtTOQ\'5DR;2?7V!1~},~{A=U_V.<d5D9XO5BT<{R;0_~}.
Note added at 2002-06-11 13:45:02 (GMT)
(There is a problem with the font), In Brief,
\"The sound pattern of English\"~{JGRtTOQ\'WnH(M~5D9$>_Ji~}(~{SINw7=SoQTQ\'=gH(M~GGD7K9;yVwP4~}).~{R*Ok=xR;2=AK=bSoRtQ\':MRtTOQ\'5DA*O5Sk2n1p#,GkWPO8QP6A4KJi!#~}
Note added at 2002-06-11 17:39:35 (GMT)
\"The sound pattern of English\" 由西方语言学界权威乔姆斯基主写,.要想进一步了解语音学和音韵学的联系与差别,请仔细研读此书。
诚然, 作为语言学的基础学科,语音学为音韵学的研究与完善提供了基础和方法(包括一些宝贵的实验数据),但这绝不意味着两者可以等同。即使在中国传统语言学中,语音学也严格区别于音韵学(请参照<<大学语文>>和<<现代汉语>>, 上海教育出版社出版)。另外,早在八十年代就由上海辞书出版社出版的<<语言与语言学词典>>(此书一直是八、九十年代外语系学生考研必备字典)也将语音学定义为“音韵学的一部分”. 随着中国语言学的发展,更多更好的音韵学字典也定将应运而生。作为语言爱好者, 我们翘首盼望着......
Note added at 2002-06-11 19:17:11 (GMT)
The following items are cited from the syllabi offerd by the Department of Linguistics in our University:
LIN 2120 PHONETICS (for undergraduate students)
Writing systems; speech physiology and articulation; segmental classifications; segmental and suprasegmental phenomena; phonetic transcription including laboratory exercises in discrimination and production. No prerequisite.
LIN 2100 PHONOLOGY I (for undergraduate students)
The nature and goals of phonological theory. Distinctive features. Levels of representation. Phonological processes and rules. Notational conventions. Techniques of analysis. Discussion of theoretical problems. Examination of the phonological structure of various languages. Prerequisite:LIN 2120(PHONETICS I).
LIN 5915 PHONOLOGY II (for master\'s students)
Issues and development in phonological theory since SPE, including abstractness, autosegmental phonology, metrical phonology, feature geometry, underspecification theory, lexical phonology and optimality theory. Prerequisite: LIN 2100
LIN 6915 PHONOLOGY III(for doctoral students)
Seminar in recent developments in generative phonologyl optimality theory, correspondence, theory and prosodic morphology. Prerequisite: LIN 5915
Note added at 2002-06-11 20:12:55 (GMT)
By the way, I already took the first three. I am taking the last PHONOLOGY course in September.
Note added at 2002-06-12 14:18:14 (GMT)
The asker (PML) put forward the two questions respectively.His way of asking these questions already demonstrates his capability of understanding the relationship between these two. Indeed,there is an important and fundamental distinction between phonology and phonetics, despite the fact that there is an obvious connection. To put it briefly , one could say that phonetics and phonology are two ways of looking at the same thing,i.e.,they are essentially two subjects. Well, here are some very useful links regarding the definitions of phonology and phonetics to further reinforce these points:
1.What does the USC Phonetics & Phonology Group do?
We study how the sound patterns of languages shape, the form of words and phrases (phonology), and
what the articulatory, acoustic, and perceptual characteristics of those sounds are (phonetics).
2.Phonetics:The study of the production of speech by the human vocal mechanisms: how are sounds made, how do speakers of different accents differ. Phonology:The study of the pronunciation of words and sentences: what basic sounds are used by a language, what regular patterning occurs in words; why does the sound used at the end of the word \"sing\" not occur at the beginning of a word?
3. Phonetics deals with how speech sounds are actually made, transmitted and received. Phonology, on the other hand, deals specifically with the ways those sounds are organized into the individual languages
4.Phonetics -- What are the sounds? How are they made?
Phonology -- How do sounds combine? How are they memorized?
Speaker\'s Listener\'s
Mind -----> Mouth ---------> Ear ----> Mind
| | | |
\\ / \\ /
Phonology Phonetics
I sincerely hope that all the information provided above can be of a great help to all of us who are truly enchanted in the wonderland of the science of language.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
9 mins
Note added at 2002-06-11 03:53:55 (GMT)
1. [语] 音系学(研究语言内部的语音模式的一门学问);历时音系学(个人从字面理解大概指一个语言的语音模式随时间演变的研究)
2. (一种语言的)语音(或音位)体系
Note added at 2002-06-11 03:59:48 (GMT)
Note added at 2002-06-11 04:07:28 (GMT)
这本《英汉语言学词汇》的英文名称是:An English-Chinese Lexicon of Linguistics。
Note added at 2002-06-11 04:33:00 (GMT)
The following is from The Oxford English Dictinary (Second edition, 22 volumes and 21,728 pages, called the mother of all dictionaries):
The science of vocal sounds (=phonetics), especially of the sounds of a particular language; the study of pronunciation, transf. the system of sounds in a language. Now, that branch of linguistics which deals with sound systems, or with sound systems and phonetics; the study of sound system of a particular language.
从上面的第一个释义来看,Phonology 作为 the science of vocal sounds 解释时,与 phonetics 是同义词(=phonetics)。
Note added at 2002-06-12 05:04:41 (GMT)
The following is from American Heritage Dictionary (4th Edition, 2000):
1. The study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference to their distribution and patterning and to tacit rules governing pronunciation.
2. The sound system of a language: the phonology of English.
我认为音韵学是phonology的主要用法,所以我第一次提交时放在首位,同时,和牛津字典说的一样,也是Phonetic的同义词。这本美国传统字典是2000年的版本,这里最先提到的The study of speech sounds in languge仍然是语音学,后面说的tacit rules governing pronunciation为音韵学的内容。
Another respected dictionary, Webster\'s 3rd International 也明确指出为语音学,那是1963年的版本,就不再引述了。
Probably the division of materials for the convenience of teaching does not necessarily corresponds to the strict classification of scientific disciplines. With all major dictionaries pointing to the same direction, I cannot but think that one of the definition of phonology is the synonym of phonetics.
I hope that through discussion, we can learn more about this word and understand it better.
Note added at 2002-06-11 03:53:55 (GMT)
1. [语] 音系学(研究语言内部的语音模式的一门学问);历时音系学(个人从字面理解大概指一个语言的语音模式随时间演变的研究)
2. (一种语言的)语音(或音位)体系
Note added at 2002-06-11 03:59:48 (GMT)
Note added at 2002-06-11 04:07:28 (GMT)
这本《英汉语言学词汇》的英文名称是:An English-Chinese Lexicon of Linguistics。
Note added at 2002-06-11 04:33:00 (GMT)
The following is from The Oxford English Dictinary (Second edition, 22 volumes and 21,728 pages, called the mother of all dictionaries):
The science of vocal sounds (=phonetics), especially of the sounds of a particular language; the study of pronunciation, transf. the system of sounds in a language. Now, that branch of linguistics which deals with sound systems, or with sound systems and phonetics; the study of sound system of a particular language.
从上面的第一个释义来看,Phonology 作为 the science of vocal sounds 解释时,与 phonetics 是同义词(=phonetics)。
Note added at 2002-06-12 05:04:41 (GMT)
The following is from American Heritage Dictionary (4th Edition, 2000):
1. The study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference to their distribution and patterning and to tacit rules governing pronunciation.
2. The sound system of a language: the phonology of English.
我认为音韵学是phonology的主要用法,所以我第一次提交时放在首位,同时,和牛津字典说的一样,也是Phonetic的同义词。这本美国传统字典是2000年的版本,这里最先提到的The study of speech sounds in languge仍然是语音学,后面说的tacit rules governing pronunciation为音韵学的内容。
Another respected dictionary, Webster\'s 3rd International 也明确指出为语音学,那是1963年的版本,就不再引述了。
Probably the division of materials for the convenience of teaching does not necessarily corresponds to the strict classification of scientific disciplines. With all major dictionaries pointing to the same direction, I cannot but think that one of the definition of phonology is the synonym of phonetics.
I hope that through discussion, we can learn more about this word and understand it better.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Ming Zhu
3 hrs
agree |
3 hrs
agree |
Danbing HE
3 hrs
agree |
zhiyu liu
3 hrs
disagree |
Glossika (X)
: not specific, looks copied from a dictionary
5 hrs
Thank you for your comments. I have added some more information. The purpose that we come here is to discuss language related issues and learn together. I appreciate all comments and critiques as I view them as opportunities to learn something new.
agree |
xi lin
9 hrs
17 hrs
Please refer to the above-mentioned points.
Note added at 2002-06-11 14:53:48 (GMT)
I have already proposed a question regarding the Chinese Font Transformation in the Chinese forum in the hope that technical problems of this kind can be solved properly in the near future.
Note added at 2002-06-11 14:53:48 (GMT)
I have already proposed a question regarding the Chinese Font Transformation in the Chinese forum in the hope that technical problems of this kind can be solved properly in the near future.
2 days 4 hrs
但就phonology一词而言,音韵学更合适,但在phonetic and phonology环境中,我觉得“语音体系”更恰当,意为“语音及语音体系”
Something went wrong...