Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Corrupted by the status- quo

Chinese translation:


Added to glossary by Adsion Liu
Feb 7, 2010 07:15
15 yrs ago
English term

Corrupted by the status- quo

English to Chinese Other Other Translation In Chinese (Cantonese Variant )
Corrupted by the status- quo

(The meaning is a person thats been corrupted by the normality of the present moment, I need the translation in Cantonese variant)
Proposed translations (Chinese)
4 +3 安於現狀
Change log

Feb 21, 2010 04:20: Adsion Liu Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

8 hrs


It's really not easy to put good Chinese characters for this expression. That's a suggestion looking handsome in my eyes. BTW, I would rather believe that what you need for the language viriant is Traditional Chinese, as Cantonese is only in sense of Spoken language...

Plz see following for ref.

Vicon English-Chinese(T) Dictionary

status quo [sta·tus quo || 'stætəs‚kwəʊ /'steɪtəs-]

安於現狀,就是等待死亡. 作者:李正超/著; 出版社:太陽氏; 出版日期: 2001年07月15日; 語言: 繁體中文 ISBN: 9574703053; 裝訂: 平裝 ...

Peer comment(s):

agree LJX : Depending on the context of the source, one alternative could be “苟且偷安” which captures the negative meaning implied by “corrupted”.
9 hrs
Thank you for your valuable comments and suggestion, LJX!
agree ILT
3 days 10 hrs
Thank you, ILT!
agree Guei Lin : 安于现状,不求进取。
5 days
Thank you for your suggestion, Guei Lin! or ... 不思进取
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
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