Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

hydrogenated vegetable oil

Croatian translation:

hidrogenirano biljno ulje

Added to glossary by adosanis
Dec 7, 2004 08:26
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

hydrogenated vegetable oil

English to Croatian Other Nutrition
hydrogenated vegetable oil
Proposed translations (Croatian)
4 +6 hidrogenirano biljno ulje

Proposed translations

6 mins

hidrogenirano biljno ulje

hidrogenirano biljno ulje
Peer comment(s):

agree Maja Matic
2 mins
agree Tamara Ferencak
7 mins
agree Marija Vujosevic Caric
42 mins
agree Ingrid Lovric
1 hr
agree agram
5 hrs
agree A.Đapo
8 hrs
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