Apr 8, 2002 14:54
22 yrs ago
English term


Non-PRO English to Dutch Other
Nick: How do you cope with the taste of all the manure you sprout, Alex?
Alex: See, he's still stinging about it the big blouse.
Nick: Idiot
Alex: Fruitcake
nick: Try hard, Alex.

Ik snap het woordje fruitcake hier niet. Dat kan hier toch niet letterlijk gebruikt zijn.
Dit is weer Australisch Engels.

Proposed translations

15 mins

"an insane person", oftewel: idioot (of zoiets)

New dictionary of American Slang
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Bedankt voor je hulp, Nienke. Groetjes, Sandra."
24 mins


Just one of a number of foods used in English to mean mad or crazy, e.g. nuts, bananas, crackers, etc.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ellemiek Drucker : you are absolutely right Chris!
3 hrs
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48 mins


nog meer van die weinig vleiende termen:
mafkees, dwaas, gek
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