Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Oil free air (OAF)

Dutch translation:

olievrije (gecomprimeerde/samengeperste) lucht

Added to glossary by Evert DELOOF-SYS
Jun 19, 2002 16:14
22 yrs ago
English term

Oil free air (OAF)

English to Dutch Tech/Engineering
This is a product that is used in all kinds of industrial applications. Has anyone come across this before?

Proposed translations

12 mins

olievrije (gecompresseerde) lucht

Oil-free compressed air

More and more manufactures are insisting on 100% oil-free compressed air to raise quality standards and to reduce costs. Wherever you have the need for a supply of clean oil-free compressed air, CompAir has the solution. CompAir is dedicated to providing its customers with reliable, technologically advanced compressed air delivery and air treatment systems, which

... installatie, In alle gebouwen van de universiteit en ziekenhuis bevinden zich afnamepunten
voor perslucht, samengeperste schone, droge en olievrije lucht die ...

... Olievrije lucht. De SAO vloeistofringcompressoren van Travaini kan
toegepast worden voor de verwerking van vervuilde en verzadigde gasmengsels bij ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Bart B. Van Bockstaele : samengeperste lucht of gecomprimeerde lucht is wel beter
43 mins
agree Chantal Henno
2 hrs
agree Linda Ferwerda : samengeperste of gecomprimeerde lucht
13 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Bedankt Evert! Willemina"
14 mins

powietrze (sprê¿one) odolejone

... Zu¿ycie sprê¿onego powietrza: 20 Nm 3 /h, powietrze suche i odolejone.
2.5. Sita molekularne. Sita molekularne posiadaj¹ 2- letni¹ ...
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