Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
there's blood in the water
French translation:
le sang va couler/la curée va commencer (ref to sharks and "feeding frenzy")
English term
blood in the water
I will attack her, he [Barack Obama] vowed. I will defeat her. The cable-news talking heads rejoiced. ***Blood in the water***, they assured us. Blood in the water, at last.
Pouvez-vous me confirmer que ça vient du proverbe "blood is thicker than water" ? Je pense du coup à l'idée de lutte fratricide.
5 | information |
Claire Chapman
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4 | le sang va couler / la curée va commencer |
FX Fraipont (X)
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3 | de l'eau dans le gaz |
Marie Perrin
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3 | les hostilités ont commencé |
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3 -1 | idées... |
CMJ_Trans (X)
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Nov 5, 2007 18:28: JulieM changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/120480">JulieM's</a> old entry - "there's blood in the water"" to ""la sang va couler/la curée va commencer (ref to sharks and "feeding frenzy")""
Proposed translations
Note added at 48 mins (2007-11-05 15:37:15 GMT)
In other words, someone has attacked Hillary and found a vulnerability. Once that vulnerability has been found, all her attackers will come to attack her weak spot until they destroy her.
Note added at 58 mins (2007-11-05 15:46:59 GMT)
The so-called feeding frenzy, wherein sharks stimulated by the smell of blood feed ravenously and attack any object within reach…
Feeding frenzy is an ecological term used to describe a situation where oversaturation of a supply of food leads to rapid feeding by predatory animals. For example, a large school of fish can cause nearby sharks to enter a feeding frenzy.
"Feeding frenzy" is also a metaphor often used in a non-biological sense to describe excited involvement by a group over some focal point of attention. An example would be intense and sometimes excessive media coverage of a story of great interest to the public, like the O. J. Simpson trial. The media definition was popularized by Larry Sabato, through his book, Feeding Frenzy. Another example would be shoppers frantically looking for bargains during a sale.
Sharks tend to be solitary creatures, but blood in the water can draw them from a long distance away. Sometimes, when a number of sharks are consuming the same prey, they can be gripped by a kind of hysteria in which they frantically attack their food, e...
Note added at 11 hrs (2007-11-06 02:29:27 GMT) Post-grading
You're welcome, JulieM, and thank you :-)
Donc, j'en déduis qu'ils veulent dire que la période où tout le monde il est beau, tout le monde il est gentil, est terminé et que désormais on va voir de quelle étoffe les candidats sont faits.
Sans autre contexte, j'hésite mais cela pourra aussi vouloir dire que B. Obama n'est peut-être pas aussi parfait qu'il voulait nous faire croire....
En tout état de cas, rien à voir avec le proverbe que vous citez
Note added at 36 mins (2007-11-05 15:25:52 GMT)
je ne connais l'expression QUE par rapport à.....
Note added at 38 mins (2007-11-05 15:27:14 GMT)
on pourrait donc traduire en disant: il y a des traces de sang dans les urines.........
"du sang dans les urines" ne me semble pas pouvoir s'utiliser au sens figuré en FR. mais vos explications me sont utiles. |
disagree |
Claire Chapman
: Sorry CMJ_Trans but this has nothing to do with urine// Not a problem, given your success rate :-)
5 mins
c'était du brainstorming mais face à la certitude en béton d'autrui....
de l'eau dans le gaz
les hostilités ont commencé
le sang va couler / la curée va commencer
": meaning of the idiom "to smell bood in water "
Sharks attack will they smell blood in the water. In other words, if a swimmer is wounded and bleeding the sharks can smell it. So, in the the work world or otherwise if a person is in a weakened condition people will take advantage of the situation.(Same way with chickens. If one chicken has a spot of blood, the others will peck him to death. Cruel world, isn't it.)"
j'aime bien vos 2 propositions, mais surtout la curée, dont je ne connaissais pas vraiment le sens. mon pb, c'est que je ne sais pas si c'est compréhensible par un grand public. |
précision : l'article traite d'abord du pt de vue des républicains sur Hillary, puis de celui des démocrates, pour en conclure qu'elle est l'ennemi de tous. ici, nous sommes dans la partie sur les Dems, c'est pourquoi je pensais à lutte fratricide.