Aug 2, 2007 13:22
17 yrs ago
English term


Non-PRO English to French Other Law: Contract(s) Sale Agreement
Contrat de vente et construction d'un navire de plaisance:
"To the extent the SELLER so requests, the PURCHASER is responsible to provide the SELLER ferwith ail the regulations required by the flag or regulatory or statutory bodies specified above"

Àl'instar de "ail the", je présume qu'il ya une faute mais laquelle?
Proposed translations (French)
4 +1 with
Change log

Aug 2, 2007 13:25: writeaway changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"


AllegroTrans Aug 2, 2007:
FORTHWITH? It makes sense in the context
NancyLynn Aug 2, 2007:
It might be part of a word that was not fully deleted during an edit
NancyLynn Aug 2, 2007:
agree with writeaway
Magali Brazier (asker) Aug 2, 2007:
je pense aussi mais une faute de frappe qui "ajoute des lettres" me semblait étrange...
writeaway Aug 2, 2007:
herewith doesn't work grammatically.
Magali Brazier (asker) Aug 2, 2007:
j'hésitais entre with" et "herewith"...
writeaway Aug 2, 2007:
typo-just with. provide the Seller with all the regulations required.

Proposed translations

8 mins


tout simplement. une faute de frappe probablement!
Peer comment(s):

agree FX Fraipont (X)
38 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merveilleux contrat qui regorgeait de fautes.. en tout genre! merci!"
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