Glossary entry

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French translation:


Added to glossary by Carmy Tutino
Nov 1, 2011 11:57
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


English to French Other Mining & Minerals / Gems
"The nearest regional centre is the town of Fria which is approximately 25 km and currently takes 2 hours on the road, the slopes increase at the edge of the plateaux and the surface is predominantly very hard ferrocrete."

I can't find a proper translation for "ferrocrete" into French, all I could find is "béton armé". Ferrocrete is derived from ferrous and concrete. Ferrocrete is also popularly known as ferrous concrete, and even more commonly as rebar-reinforced concrete.

It doesn't make sense to me in this context. Any suggestions?
Proposed translations (French)
4 +1 ferricrète
5 béton ferreux ou béton armé


kashew Nov 2, 2011:
Is it road surface? I'm not sure whether they mean the natural "rock" road surface or a man-made metalling in ferrocrete.
Maybe it's the surface of the mining zone - so FX-F is on the ball.
Carmy Tutino (asker) Nov 1, 2011:
Cela me semble très juste. Merci de votre contribution.


Proposed translations

10 mins


"ferrocrete : cuirrasse ferrugineuse, cuirrasse ferrique, ferricrète, accumulation d'oxydes de efr dans le sol"
Dictionnaire des Sciences de la Terre
By Magdeleine Moureau, Gerald Brace

Note added at 15 mins (2011-11-01 12:12:28 GMT)

"3. Les phénomènes de migration (descendantes et ascendantes)
Le climat est responsable des phénomènes de migrations ascendantes ou
descendantes, voir supra) : c’est ainsi que se forment les croûtes (calcrètes, silcrètes,
ferricrêtes) et les horizons d’accumulation suite au lessivage des colloïdes (argiles, oxydes de fer et ..."’aluminium)."

Note added at 16 mins (2011-11-01 12:13:13 GMT)

"ferrocrete : Copper rich ferrocrete, a conglomerate consisting of primarily iron and manganese oxides/hydroxides leached from the surrounding metal rich rocks resulting in the cementing of alluvial materials in creek bottom. Copper Basin, Arizona, USA"
Peer comment(s):

agree Marion Feildel (X) : ferricrête
2 hrs
merci! // Tout ce que j'ai trouvé est avec un accent grave, pas circonflexe.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci!"
24 mins

béton ferreux ou béton armé

ferrocrete = ferroconcrete

Note added at 25 mins (2011-11-01 12:22:46 GMT)

GDT donne béton ferreux

Ferroconcrete, or ferrocrete, was a composite building material made from the combination of concrete and iron that was molecularly bonded to produce a substance with exceptional resistance to wear and tear
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