Jun 27, 2002 06:24
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

person years

English to French Tech/Engineering IT related
Like our other Energy and Utility customers EDF/GDF’ s IT requirements will be addressed by our 1000 Energy and Utilities group. This group has over 2000 person years of industry expertise.
Proposed translations (French)
4 +6 Compte plus de 2000 années-personnes

Proposed translations

4 mins

Compte plus de 2000 années-personnes


Note added at 2002-06-27 06:30:36 (GMT)

Annexe C – Estimation des coûts généraux. Annexe D –
Liste des répondants. Annexe E – Perspective de dix ans
sur les coûts, les droits, les années-personnes ...
www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/gospubs/TBM_121/atip_f.html - 5k - En cache - Pages similaires

L\'état des forêts au Canada 2000-2001_Matières ...
Statistiques forestières*. Emplois directs (2000). L\'emploi dans le secteur forestier
a augmenté de plus de 20 000 années-personnes entre 1999 et 2000. ...
www.nrcan.gc.ca/cfs-scf/national/what-quoi/ sof/sof01/statistics_f.html - 66k
Peer comment(s):

agree Florence Bremond
4 mins
agree Geneviève von Levetzow
10 mins
agree CHENOUMI (X)
18 mins
agree Theresa Pisani Moniez : That's right. We used to talk about "man years", but that term was axed for not being politically correct.
44 mins
agree René VINCHON (X)
1 hr
agree MikeGarcia
1 day 11 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci pour le "mot juste" et les références... Valérie B"
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