Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

poste privé

French translation:

private line

Added to glossary by Peter Coles
Jul 14, 2004 14:55
20 yrs ago
English term

poste privé

Non-PRO English to French Tech/Engineering Telecom(munications)
"Que vous appeliez d'une cabine publique ou d'un poste privé tous vos coups de fils sont enregistrés"

The sentence is straightforward, I'm just not sure of the specific implications of "poste privé".

Thanks in advance.
Proposed translations (French)
4 +3 private line
4 private boot
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Discussion Jul 14, 2004:
Clarification sought Rita, would this include home, office and mobile?

Proposed translations

1 min
English term (edited): poste priv�

private line


Note added at 3 mins (2004-07-14 14:59:33 GMT)

private line - a telephone line serving a single subscriber. toll ... circuit -

Note added at 4 mins (2004-07-14 15:00:09 GMT)

whether you call from a telephone booth or a private line, all your calls will be recorded

Note added at 6 mins (2004-07-14 15:02:06 GMT)

home is usually private although in rural areas some lines may have to be shared (party line)

office - an extension system is very common - last 3 or 4 digits dedicated to one specific extension/location within the building

mobile is always private, I believe
Peer comment(s):

agree Jean-Claude Gouin
3 mins
merci :-)
agree Laura Robertson
9 mins
agree Laura Epinoux (X)
17 mins
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Rita, "Private line worked perfectly in the context and the speed of your response was very helpful. I've since seen "poste privé" defined as "téléphone à domicile ou un téléphone portable" which would imply that it doesn't cover the additional business use of "private line" to describe a phone in a senior executive's office which bypasses the switchboard. Happily that didn't matter in this case, and "private line" would seem to the best translation in almost every situation that I can devise. Thanks again."
3 mins
English term (edited): poste priv�

private boot

Private boot
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