Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

to answer an urgent call of nature

French translation:

satisfaire un besoin pressant / naturel

Added to glossary by sporran
Nov 12, 2006 17:08
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

answer an urgent call of nature

Non-PRO English to French Marketing Tourism & Travel
répondre au cri de la nature?

Grand merci!


Bianca Jacobsohn (asker) Nov 13, 2006:
@ wofheart & Jonathan Of course, I know exactly what this means - I am looking for the French equiv :)
wolfheart Nov 12, 2006:
bonjour la poésie !
Jonathan MacKerron Nov 12, 2006:
to go urinate
Bianca Jacobsohn (asker) Nov 12, 2006:
"Our hotess's poker face relaxed when, on departure, I confessed that I had to answer an urgent call of nature".
wolfheart Nov 12, 2006:
means without any doubt 'where is the closest restroom' !!!!
sporran Nov 12, 2006:
un peu plus de contexte SVP!

Proposed translations

17 mins

satisfaire un besoin pressant

Peer comment(s):

agree Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen
34 mins
merci Elisabeth:-)
agree France Mercier (X)
42 mins
merci France:-)
agree Tony M
5 hrs
thanks Tony:-)
agree Elodie Rousseau
7 hrs
merci Elodie:-)
agree Céline Débiton : ou "besoin naturel" (pour garder l'idée de nature) ?
16 hrs
merci Céline:-)
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks for your help and suggestions (thank you, Céline, aussi)"
9 mins

avoir un besoin urgent !

où sont les toilettes???
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