This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Mar 30, 2011 16:52
13 yrs ago
English term

Clearing Rolls

English to German Tech/Engineering Automotive / Cars & Trucks diagnostics software
Unable to verify Clearing Rolls information results.,Error occurred while reading from 31 03 3050.

rolls are service rolls for car diagnostics, but clearing rolls?

I need any German term that could help me in understanding this string...thanks


Vincent Staude Apr 4, 2011:
Please give the whole sentence... where this term appears. That would make it easier to define what the German equivalent would be.
Darko Kolega (asker) Mar 30, 2011:
ganz einfach: Clearing Rolls = ???

was ist hier unklar? entweder weis man oder nicht (ich weiss es nicht - also frage ich nach Hilfe..)
Rolf Kern Mar 30, 2011:
Unklar Welches ist die Frage, bitte in deutscher Sprache, und was sind Zitate des englische Textes?
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