Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Patronage / subscription publishing

German translation:

Mäzene / Subskriptionsarbeit

Added to glossary by Ana Hermida
Oct 3, 2000 12:29
24 yrs ago
English term

Patronage / subscription publishing

English to German Bus/Financial
Following a lawsuit, to pay off legal bills of over $30,000 I asked 30 fans to pay me $1000 each to write a song about them. All 30 portraits were booked within two weeks of the announcement going up on my website on January 1st, 1999. For me it was a return to two very early market systems, patronage and subscription publishing. I think there are many more systems available to artists than the standard music business mechanisms of copyright and royalties.

Proposed translations

1 hr

Mäzene / Subskriptionsarbeit

In the arts, a patron is generally called a Mäzen or a Schirmherr(patronage would be Mäzenatentum, but I'd suggest simply using the plural, Mäzene). Or use "Schirmherrschaft", but I think Mäzen fits your context much better.
Gönnerschaft or Begünstigung would actually be incorrect in this context. In fact, Begünstigung smacks of fraudulent practices.

For subscription publishing, I would suggest Subskriptionsarbeit or Subskriptionsauftrag.
Veröffentlichung auf Anfrage, as was suggested, is not very idiomatic in German and does not really hit the nail on the head, especially since "auf Anfrage" is really on request or on demand.

The German word Subskription is often used in the fine arts, for instance in publishing when patrons subscribe to a publication (often books or such) before the works are actually published. My suggestion of Subskriptionsarbeit or Subskriptionsauftrag is based on the fact that you are referring to portraits rather than printed material, and both Arbeit and Auftrag are more general terms.
Subskriptionsarbeit shifts the emphasis to the artist, whereas Subskriptionsauftrag emphasizes the patron (the person placing the subscription order).

Hope this helps.
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11 mins

goennerschaft und veroeffentlichung auf anfrage

Ernst mentions Gönnerschaft, Schirmherrschaft, Förderung for patronage. Muret-Sanders also has Begünstigung.
subscription publishing is Veröffentlichung auf Bestellung oder Anfrage, i.e. you pay for what you get.
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1 hr


Upon re-reading the text, I'd amend my earlier answer and suggest to use Mäzenatentum. Fits your context to a T!
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