Sep 19, 2002 18:45
22 yrs ago
English term

pancake cell

English to German Medical hematology
morpholigical abnormality: white blood cell abnormality

Proposed translations

2 hrs

Glitzerzelle/ Malbin Zelle/ Sternheimer Zelle

This is a guess- could not find anything relevant for pancake cell;

Definition von Roche:
Sternheimer*(-Malbin*) Zellen
Glitzerzellen; engl.: Sternheimer-Malbin cells
"Auffallend große u. transparente Leukozyten im Harnsediment; ab 10% beweisend für Pyelonephrit"

And another defintion:
The second type, named "Fresh" by Stamey, and "Pale cells" by Sternheimer, is bigger in size and resistant to some stains. If the urine density is lower than 1,019 this cell will demonstrate a brownian movement of its granules wich will give a glittering cytoplasm. These cells are then called glitter cells. For a time, these cells were thought to be specific to pyelonephritis. Since these were found in other conditions the accepted interpretation is relating them to an active inflammation process of the urinary tract.
Peer comment(s):

agree Monika Martens
9 hrs
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you very much for trying, I don't think that these refer to the same cells meant by the english pancake cells, but it helped! Also thanks to Thomas, but I can not make terms up in this translation (I would like to, as it seems to make most sense to translate this literally) difficult choice to whom to give the points thank you to both! "
1 day 18 hrs


This is simply a direct translation of English term. Could also use "deformierte Leukozyten". This is based on the following article, according to which "pancake" simply refers to a physical distortion for which I could not find any German equivalent. If there is none: why not invent one - if it fits the context.

Hope, this will help

Biorheology 1984;21(6):767-81 Related Articles, Links

Deformation of leukocytes on a hematological blood film.

Schmid-Schonbein GW, Jan KM, Skalak R, Chien S.

Human leukocytes in a blood film exhibit a significantly larger diameter than in the circulation. This is due to the fact that white cells are highly deformed during preparation of a blood film. Instead of having the usual spherical shape, the cells are compressed to "pancake" forms with a thickness of about 1 micron. Hematological investigation is usually performed on these compressed cells, but in the circulation they are not observed. The deformation of the cells on a blood film is due to compression by the glass edge used to spread the blood. After deformation leukocytes do not have enough time to recover since the blood film usually dries in a shorter period than is needed for cell recovery. The shape and size of the leukocyte on the blood film is not only determined by cell volume but also by the cell membrane area. This is shown for each kind of leukocyte by independent prediction of the pancake dimensions from previous measurements of cell volume and membrane area. Leukocytes which are strongly compressed during blood film preparation may exhibit mechanical damage with rupture of membranes.

PMID: 6518289 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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