Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

academic adviser

German translation:

wissenschaftlicher Berater/Gutachter

Added to glossary by Steffen Walter
Jan 9, 2003 08:39
21 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term

academic advisor

Non-PRO English to German Science Science (general)
I know it sounds very simple, but is there another, maybe better expression than _akademischer Berater_ in German?


Geri Linda
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Aug 22, 2017 09:36: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Other" to "Science"

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PRO (1): Steffen Walter

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Discussion Jan 9, 2003:
here is more context ... two roles that a supervisor can perform:
- a manager
- an academic advisor


As an academic advisor your supervisor is more concerned with the academic content of your project.

Proposed translations

42 mins

wissenschaftliche Begleitung ein Standardterminus, *wenn* es um Forschung/wissenschaftl. Studien geht. Wenn Du tatsächlich auf eine konkrete Person Bezug nehmen musst, kannst Du ja schreiben "wissenschaftliche Begleitung durch (Name)" oder "(die Studie wurde) wissenschaftlich begleitet durch (Name)".

Kenne aber Deinen spezifischen Kontext nicht, daher gewisse Unsicherheit...


Note added at 2003-01-09 09:23:23 (GMT)

Je nach Kontext geht natürlich auch \"wissenschaftlicher Berater/Ratgeber\", während ich das Adjektiv \"akademisch\" hier nicht benutzen würde.

Note added at 2003-01-09 09:54:55 (GMT)

With your added context in mind, I\'d suggest \"wissenschaftlicher Berater\" for \"academic advisor\" and \"Betreuer\" for \"supervisor\" (Betreuer is used in German to denote a professor or other member of academic staff who takes care of your academic projects/theses etc.).
Peer comment(s):

agree Nicole Tata
9 mins
Danke Nicole :-)
agree Manuela Schilling
10 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I'll take the "wissenschaftlicher Berater", which fits perfectly in my context and thanks also for the supervisor. I would have taken the English term, but Betreuer is more likely to be used, if the other terms are in German as well."
21 mins


just a guess: academic could also mean wissenschaftlich and advisor could be Ratgeber;
akademischer Berater sounds good as well
What specific context do you have?
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3 hrs

wissenschaftlicher Ratgeber

other solution
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