Dec 24, 2002 23:29
22 yrs ago
English term


Non-PRO English to Hindi Other
karma in sanskrit (spoken would be in hindi)

Proposed translations

4 hrs


Karmas are the deeds that we do.
As Bhagwaan Shri Krishna has stated in Geeta:

Karam kiye Ja Phal kee chinta mat kar e insaan.

This means that one should indulge in good deeds regardless of the results.

Note added at 2002-12-25 04:01:02 (GMT)

We are destined to get the results of our deeds(Karmas) as they say in English:

As you sow, so shall you reap.
Peer comment(s):

agree indiani : In sanskrit : Karmnye Vadhikaraste Maa Phaleshu Kadachana
1 day 58 mins
Thanks Indiani for reminding this immortal Shlok which is very relevant to the context!
disagree Dr. Puneet Bisaria : it is a hindi term, so it's hindi translation is impossible.
9 days
Yes, Puneet some Hindi terms cannot be translated. But we can still try to provide its nearest equivalent.
agree Shruti Nagar : no need to look anywhere else
100 days
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7 hrs


Karma means the same in hindi too as the language has evolved from sanskrit.
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8 hrs


If you mean the pronounciation it would be kaaraam. As in "kaaraam ki gati nyari, santo".
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16 hrs


work - karma
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73 days


Dear Sunil,
you 'd use karma in it's original even in english as there is no appropriate alternative for the word in english .
karma may be said as actions performed by a common man.But karma is more than that much.karma refers to each effort and work that a man performs in life.All his works ,thoughts ,efforts etc. are included in it.
Particularly karma is used in shrimad bhaagwat geeta in a lots of shlokas.
most famous is
It means that to do karma is what you are authorised for, and O Arjun you'd think of the karma and the way to perform karma.You 'd go ahead with your initiation without thinking of the result as result is already decided by myself(GOD).
I think I'm successfull in explaining you the meaning of karma.
So,if there is still any other problem regarding karma word,contact me at
[email protected]
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