Mar 6, 2005 13:03
19 yrs ago
English term

Banderole statistics

English to Hungarian Other Marketing
Kis zászlós statisztika?????

"Company employees should consider whether sufficient information may be obtained from sources such as banderole statistics or similar third party suppliers ..."

Discussion Mar 6, 2005:
Megel�z� mondat: Information exchange among competitors should take place only where there are no other means to acquire sufficient information.

Proposed translations

1 hr

hitelesítő címkék statisztikája

A *banderole* az alábbi példák mindegyikében szerzői jogvédelmi címkékre (pl. zenei CD-k), zárjegyekre (dohányáru) utal.

The Copyright Office, in close cooperation with the various organs of the music industry and with the technical cooperation of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) in London and its national group in Ghana, the Association of Recording Industries of Ghana — ARIGh — instituted the “banderole” system. The system was modelled along the lines of the Portuguese system, because after Portugal introduced this system, it achieved a near-zero rate of piracy.
The affixing of an authentication stamp known as the “banderole” on all musical works became mandatory in Ghana beginning June 1, 1992.

It remains the case in Turkey that the banderole (sticker) system does not function well

If any of my readers is caring for those cigars without a banderole (this tax seal or brand ad streamer around it), why not queue up on November 15 at Trenton or prowl the beach in Cape May? ;-)

Ebből talán ki lehet indulni, de további szövegkörnyezet nem ártana.

Note added at 2 hrs 17 mins (2005-03-06 15:21:20 GMT)

Így már érthetőnek tűnik. A mondat valahogy így hangozhat:

Company employees should consider whether sufficient information may be obtained from sources such as banderole statistics or similar third party suppliers ..

A cég munkatársainak meg kell fontolniuk, hogy olyan forrásokból, mint a hitelesítő címkék statisztikái vagy kívülálló szállítók (adatai/információi/statisztikái???) elegendő információ szerezhető-e be.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Köszönöm!"
1 hr

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