Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Great Together

Indonesian translation:

Terbaik apabila Dikerjakan Bersama-sama

Added to glossary by M. Laut
Aug 15, 2011 18:03
13 yrs ago
English term

Great Together

English to Indonesian Tech/Engineering Computers (general) Komputer
Stage Benefits: Easy, Fast, Great Together

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M. Laut (asker) Aug 16, 2011:
None No other context.
Catherine Muir Aug 15, 2011:
Context? In order for us to help, you would be wise to provide some context. On its own, the statement makes no sense.

Proposed translations

19 hrs

Terbaik apabila Dikerjakan Bersama-sama

To be honest, it is really not easy to suggest the translation without any clear context. I guess that it is 'Terbaik apabila Dikerjakan Bersama-sama'.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Terima kasih - "
18 hrs

paduan yang hebat/sukses

sekadar menebak-nebak
Something went wrong...
2 days 1 hr

paduan yang cocok

As Catherine and Wiyanto mentioned, without any context it's only a guess
"Mudah, Cepat, Paduan yang Cocok"
Something went wrong...
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