Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Usance delay

Italian translation:

(periodo di) proroga consueta

Added to glossary by Francesca Gamurrini
May 7, 2008 11:56
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

Usance delay

English to Italian Bus/Financial Accounting

An irrevocable commitment to grant a loan is recognised according to the cash’s disposal deadline:
- « Regular way trade / Loans to be delivered » 401201 during the usance delay (as a matter of principle two days),
- « Loan commitments – Unused Lines granted » 4051x0 when the cash’s disposal delay is higher than the usance delay.

Si fa riferimento allo IAS 39 "Strumenti finanziari: rilevazione e valutazione"

Proposed translations

24 mins

ritardo secondo i termini consueti

ti indico sotto una traduzione di usance
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie a te, a Sara e agli altri traduttori che sono intervenuti. Questa è la traduzione approvata dal cliente. Ho deciso di assegnare a te i punti perché il concetto di "usance" è quello di consuetudine, non di scadenza concordata. Grazie ancora a tutti!"
1 hr

proroga/ritardo rispetto alla scadenza concordata

Cercado sui dizionari monolingua (Oxford, Longman) non ho trovato il lemma *usance*. Digotando *usance* su compare la seguente definizione "the period of time permitted by commercial usage for the payment of a bill of exchange (especially a foreign bill of exchange)".
Sul Sansoni e su la definizione risulta essere "scadenza, termine".
Su ho trovato " The bill of exchange was a binding promise to pay a specific person a certain sum at some future but proximate date in another town, and hence a change into another currency. This in itself involved a loan, for even if a bill was payable 'on sight', it still took time to be carried from one place to another before it could be paid. It was also agreed that for large sums the person required to pay should have time to raise that sum. This delay, known as 'usance', might be one, two or three months from the day the bill was presented - so the merchant had a credit advance of one to three months. Fair enough, but the lenders had fixed rates of usance, or interest as we would call it today, and also received additional profit on the loan by playing the exchange market. Some merchants would even send bills to themselves to gain credit, bills secured by absolutely no cash at all!"
Peer comment(s):

agree Arcoz
7 mins
agree ioana gabriela sandu (X) : potrebbe essere "proroga della scadenza"?
21 hrs
agree Elena Polliotto
8 days
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