Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
excess applicable
Italian translation:
franchigia applicabile
English term
excess applicable
presente in uno schema contenente le indennità assicurative erogabili in determinate situazioni. cosa si intende di preciso per "excess"?
nella tabella trovo anche "excess: for out-patient treatment claims"
"excess: you have to be hospitalised as in-patient for 48 hours" seguiti dalla relativa cifra erogabile.
grazie in anticipo!
4 | franchigia applicabile | cynthiatesser |
Jul 26, 2010 12:50: cynthiatesser changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/877226">Marika Costantini's</a> old entry - "excess applicable"" to ""franchigia applicabile""
Proposed translations
franchigia applicabile
Note added at 13 days (2010-07-26 12:50:13 GMT) Post-grading
Grazie a te!
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