Jun 25, 2002 10:45
22 yrs ago
English term

playable drivers

Non-PRO English to Italian Other Game Cube
So test all of the 12 playable drivers before you lay down the gauntlet!

Secondo voi si intendono le "funzioni di guida" o proprio i 12 "piloti"?

"To lay down the gauntlet" sarebbe "gettare il guanto"?


Proposed translations

20 mins

Fai un giro di prova con tutti i 12 piloti prima di lanciarti nella sfida (gettare il guanto)

"Inspired by Sylvester Stallone's hit movie, 'DRIVEN', race on 8 stunning tracks including California's Angel's Bay and Paris' Champs-Elysees. Choose from 12 characters, each with different driving styles. Experience high impact crash sequences and race through busy city streets. Challenge your racing skills in multiple racing styles"
Questa è la descrizione del prodotto in inglese. Si parla di 12 personaggi.

"throw down the gauntlet": gettare il guanto, sfidare (Sansoni)
Peer comment(s):

agree Barbara Cestaro
6 hrs
agree gmel117608
1 day 8 hrs
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
10 mins

Piloti a disposizione

Peer comment(s):

agree Sarah Ponting
42 mins
agree maxmor
1 day 20 hrs
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