Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
resource consumption breakdown
Japanese translation:
Added to glossary by
Mar 23, 2002 17:26
22 yrs ago
English term
Proposed translations
3 hrs
The whole sentence can be translated as "xxxアプリケーションによってSQL文ごとのリソース消費量を比較できます"
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "thank you very much!"
5 hrs
The usual translation for "resources"--even in programming circles--is shigen (資源): ネットワーク資源, etc. The katakana リソース is reserved from menus, dialog boxes, etc. built into EXEs, DLLs, and other program files.
J-E translator beware! In English, we say DOES, but "the virtue of vagueness" dictates that the Japanese comes out CAN.<sigh>
J-E translator beware! In English, we say DOES, but "the virtue of vagueness" dictates that the Japanese comes out CAN.<sigh>
Peer comment(s):
agree |
mkj (X)
: It's the virtue of humility. I bet they say DOES when submitting their translation to the outsourcer, though.
3 hrs
disagree |
: On google, only 27 hits for アプリケーションAND資源消費量 while 119 hits for アプリケーションANDリソース消費量
9 hrs
1 day 12 hrs
I think this is correct because here 内訳means a breakdown or listing of items.
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: Literally, it is correct. But in the sentence, "内訳" is redundant and unnecessary.
1 hr
well, it is left to the asker to decide.
agree |
Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
: 資源の区分け
7 days
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