This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Mar 29, 2005 04:37
19 yrs ago
English term

but for

English to Malay Bus/Financial Insurance
The company shall not be liable for any sum which the insured would have been entitled to recover from any party but for an agreement between the insured and such party.
Proposed translations (Malay)
3 +2 kecuali/melainkan
2 according to

Proposed translations

23 mins

according to

Note added at 28 mins (2005-03-29 05:05:32 GMT)

mengikut/ berdasarkan
Something went wrong...
10 hrs


'but for' - jika tidak
But for that rain, we would have reached there.
Jika tidak kerana hujan, kami sepatutnya sudah sampai.

But in this context
'but for' - kecuali/melainkan
"Syarikat tidak akan bertanggungjawab..........kecuali jika ada perjanjian........"
"Syarikat tidak akan bertanggungjawab..........melainkan ada perjanjian........"

but for is take as a phrase "but for" not as separate words "but" and "for"

Peer comment(s):

agree rose74 (X)
1 hr
agree Ramona Ali : asker has closed this question without grading because he says the answers are not acceptable. this is what i meant in my email...
1 day 13 hrs
yeah i get what u mean. been happening a number of times.
Something went wrong...
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