This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Jun 16, 2013 17:07
11 yrs ago
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English term


English to Norwegian Science Mathematics & Statistics
Står i de statistiske metodene for en klinisk studie:

"To maintain an overall significance level of 0.05, the treatment effect will be tested at a two-sided significance level of 0.0499, accounting for the alpha spending of 0.0001 in the interim futility analysis."

Jeg fant følgende forklaring på engelsk (

"Alpha Spending Function:
In the interim monitoring of clinical trials, multiple looks are taken at the accruing results. In such circumstances, akin to multiple testing, the alpha-value at each look must be adjusted in order to preserve the overall Type-1 Error. Alpha spending functions, (the Pocock family is one such set; the Lan-Demets spending function a more specific case) establish these adjusted alpha-values for each interim monitoring point, given the overall alpha. Typically, they establish relatively high alpha-values for early looks, and lower alpha-values for later looks. Thus, they constitute "stopping boundaries," which, when crossed, indicate that statistical significance has been established."
Change log

Jun 16, 2013 17:17: Koen Speetjens (X) changed "Language pair" from "English to Dutch" to "English to Norwegian"


Koen Speetjens (X) (asker) Jun 20, 2013:
I left it in English. Thanks for your help!
DLyons Jun 16, 2013:
I understand the underlying Statistics (and the French) and yes, it's a bit different from "spending money" (but not entirely).

The nearest single verbs may be "assign" or "allocate" (the alpha significance available - typically 5% or 1%).

Which GT tells me, for better or worse, is "tildele" eller "fordele" alfa tilgjengelig betydning. In GT's defence, it's often quite good on short technical terms as long a human handles the Grammar.
Barend van Zadelhoff Jun 16, 2013:
@Koen What's more, I can't even read it, as if it were Chinese.

Can you translate it for me? :-)
Koen Speetjens (X) (asker) Jun 16, 2013:
@Barend I'm afraid that's a very different context :)
But that you already knew.
Barend van Zadelhoff Jun 16, 2013:
@ DLyons I did not say a 'common solution' but a 'typically unsatisfactory solution' :-)

Especially because I don't understand it.
Koen Speetjens (X) (asker) Jun 16, 2013:
French-->Norwegian? Someone?? Does this help?

Here it looks like it really means spending as in spending money: "consommation" and "dépense", which is (as far as my limited knowledge and an online dictionary proudly states) "forbruk" and "utgifter". I can't make any sense of it in this context.
Barend van Zadelhoff Jun 16, 2013:
@ Koen, dat had ik niet eens gezien.

@ DLyons, yes I found only one reference :-):

SFO utgiftene funksjon 215 og 222 har et mindreforbruk som skyldes blant annet lavere husleie enn budsjettert på ca 1,5 millioner kroner.

If you see what I mean. :-) bj...
DLyons Jun 16, 2013:
@Barend I have absolutely none - my suggestion comes from GT. But there's not enough Statistics in Norwegian on the Net to be able to verify it :-(

Leaving things like this in English is a common solution as you say!
Koen Speetjens (X) (asker) Jun 16, 2013:
@Barend (Sorry, maar ik had de verkeerde taalcombinatie ingevoerd, dus ik ga hier verder in het engels)

Looks like it's left in English in both Dutch (see Barends example) and also in Swedish (which is more relevant for Norwegian):
Barend van Zadelhoff Jun 16, 2013:
@ DLyons This comment of mine 'niet in het Noors' was meant as a little joke, kind of apologizing for not being so fluent in Norwegian as the other participants in this discussion. :-)
DLyons Jun 16, 2013:
@Barend It's on ProZ in a few languages already, but not Norwegian. function&...

Also not in Norwegian in the standard online Statistics dictionaries.
Barend van Zadelhoff Jun 16, 2013:
Typisch onbevredigende oplossing (niet in het Noors)

Dia 18: Voorbeelden van alfa spending functies (DeMets en Lan in Statistics in Medicine, 1994)

zie ook de eropvolgende dia's

o.a. Schematisch overzicht van de stopregel van Snapinn

zie ook dia 3: Interim analyse: wat en waarom?
Koen Speetjens (X) (asker) Jun 16, 2013:
@DLyons Yes, maybe. Thanks for your input. ;)
DLyons Jun 16, 2013:
Perhaps "utgiftene funksjon" or "alpha utgiftene funksjon"?
Koen Speetjens (X) (asker) Jun 16, 2013:
@freekfluweel norsk, beklager!
freekfluweel Jun 16, 2013:
norsk eller nederlandsk? ...

Reference comments

6 hrs

Hi Koen,

I had no luck finding a Norwegian term for this, but I did find a Norwegian reference and several Swedish ones where the English term is used:
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