English term
"To maintain an overall significance level of 0.05, the treatment effect will be tested at a two-sided significance level of 0.0499, accounting for the alpha spending of 0.0001 in the interim futility analysis."
Jeg fant følgende forklaring på engelsk (http://www.statistics.com/index.php?page=glossary&term_id=41...
"Alpha Spending Function:
In the interim monitoring of clinical trials, multiple looks are taken at the accruing results. In such circumstances, akin to multiple testing, the alpha-value at each look must be adjusted in order to preserve the overall Type-1 Error. Alpha spending functions, (the Pocock family is one such set; the Lan-Demets spending function a more specific case) establish these adjusted alpha-values for each interim monitoring point, given the overall alpha. Typically, they establish relatively high alpha-values for early looks, and lower alpha-values for later looks. Thus, they constitute "stopping boundaries," which, when crossed, indicate that statistical significance has been established."
Jun 16, 2013 17:17: Koen Speetjens (X) changed "Language pair" from "English to Dutch" to "English to Norwegian"
Reference comments
I had no luck finding a Norwegian term for this, but I did find a Norwegian reference and several Swedish ones where the English term is used:
The nearest single verbs may be "assign" or "allocate" (the alpha significance available - typically 5% or 1%).
Which GT tells me, for better or worse, is "tildele" eller "fordele" alfa tilgjengelig betydning. In GT's defence, it's often quite good on short technical terms as long a human handles the Grammar.
Can you translate it for me? :-)
But that you already knew.
Especially because I don't understand it.
Here it looks like it really means spending as in spending money: "consommation" and "dépense", which is (as far as my limited knowledge and an online dictionary proudly states) "forbruk" and "utgifter". I can't make any sense of it in this context.
@ DLyons, yes I found only one reference :-):
SFO utgiftene funksjon 215 og 222 har et mindreforbruk som skyldes blant annet lavere husleie enn budsjettert på ca 1,5 millioner kroner.
If you see what I mean. :-)
http://www.bydel-bjerke.oslo.kommune.no/getfile.php/bydel bj...
Leaving things like this in English is a common solution as you say!
Looks like it's left in English in both Dutch (see Barends example) and also in Swedish (which is more relevant for Norwegian): http://www.proz.com/kudoz/english_to_swedish/medical:_pharma...
https://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&as_epq=spending function&...
Also not in Norwegian in the standard online Statistics dictionaries.
Dia 18: Voorbeelden van alfa spending functies (DeMets en Lan in Statistics in Medicine, 1994)
zie ook de eropvolgende dia's
o.a. Schematisch overzicht van de stopregel van Snapinn
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