May 6, 2008 07:52
16 yrs ago
17 viewers *
English term

marital residence

English to Polish Law/Patents Law (general)
In the Circuit Court
In Re: The marriage of:
XY Petitioner/wife
XZ Respondent/husband

Final Judgement of Dissolution of Marriage After Default

This cause came before the Court on April 1 2007 upon the Wife's Petition of Dissolution of Marriage after entry of default against the Husband.
The Court makes the following findings of the fact:
1. The Wife testified that the value of the marital residence is 100000.00 $. There is an outstanding mortgage owing to XXX in the approximate amount of 40000.00 $. The Wife has been individually responsible for the payment of all financial obligations associated with the ownership of the marital residence.
2. The Husband individually obtained a home equity line on the marital residence.
3. The marital residence and any equity therein is to be awarded to the Wife.

Nie wiadomo czy to dom czy mieszkanie. Miejsce zamieszkania małżonków też jakoś dziwnie brzmi w połączeniu z punktem 1.

Proposed translations

16 mins

nieruchomość będąca własnością małżonków

Tak bym proponował. Możesz ewentualnie dodać "i stanowiąca ich miejsce zamieszkania", żeby oddać w pełni "residence".

Peer comment(s):

agree Kinga Palczewska
1 hr
agree Edyta Sawin : wspolna wlasnoscia!
4 hrs
tak, masz rację - wspólną; dzięki!
agree Luiza Jude : Marital residence is a term used in divorce law to refer to the property where the couple resided together before the breakdown of the marriage.
10 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Dziękuję"
10 mins

małżeńskie miejsce zamieszkania

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