Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Polish translation:
bogaty w znaczenia
Added to glossary by
Jul 9, 2012 19:40
12 yrs ago
English term
English to Polish
The metaphors employed in any mythology may be defined as affect-laden signs and symbols, derived from intuitions of the self and the community. These become revealed through ritual, prayers, poems, meditations, ceremonies, annual festivals, and the like in such a way that all members of the community may be held, both in mind and in sentiment, to a common understanding and thus moved to live in accordance with the structure of the myth. Out of the early individualized and collective myths emerged religion, but what I refer to as religious feelings must have preceded the development of any formal religion and their corresponding institutions.
Proposed translations
4 | bogaty w znaczenia |
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4 | wpływowy |
Anna Reynolds
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4 | znaczący |
Dorota Zegarowska
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3 +1 | nacechowany afektywnie |
Jerzy Matwiejczuk
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Change log
Jul 9, 2012 19:40: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
Proposed translations
6 hrs
bogaty w znaczenia
ew. obfitujący w znaczenia, bogaty semantycznie, posiadający bogatą semantykę, cechujący się bogatą semantyką itp.
"Affected" to według słowników "udawany, sztuczny", czyli "affect" to mniej więcej "nadane/przypisane znaczenie".
Potrawy, jakie znajdują się w takich okazjach na stole, to nie tylko posiłki służące zaspokojeniu głodu, ale także złożone artefakty kulturowe, bogate w znaczenia...
"Affected" to według słowników "udawany, sztuczny", czyli "affect" to mniej więcej "nadane/przypisane znaczenie".
Potrawy, jakie znajdują się w takich okazjach na stole, to nie tylko posiłki służące zaspokojeniu głodu, ale także złożone artefakty kulturowe, bogate w znaczenia...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Podbnie przetłumaczyłam na podstawie kontekstu. Dziękuję."
3 hrs
wpływowy wydaje mi się prostszym, aczkolwiek wciąż trafnym tłumaczeniem
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: Co miałoby być wpływowe? || Raczej nie, bo znaki mogą być też ubogie w znaczenia.
3 hrs
Wpływowe miałyby być "znaki i symbole". Zgadzam się, że jeśli użyjemy wyrazu "znaczący" stworzymy pleonazm. Czy w takim wypadku jednak wyrażenie "bogate w znaczenia znaki..." nie będzie również pleonazmem?
neutral |
Jerzy Matwiejczuk
: Ani prostsze, ani trafne...
18 hrs
3 hrs
znaczący Naładowany a więc znaczący
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: Znaczące znaki to raczej masło maślane.
3 hrs
Słowo znaki można ominąć i zostawić symbole. Wtedy to już nie jest masło maśloane
neutral |
Jerzy Matwiejczuk
: Tu się zgadzam z Polangmarem. Ponadto ten sam zarzut: nie na temat.
18 hrs
Ok, I stand crrected :)
1 hr
nacechowany afektywnie
Ew. obciążony/obarczony.
Note added at 21 godz. (2012-07-10 17:24:55 GMT)
Ależ o emocjach mowa, o emocjach. Aby nie strzępić języka po próżnicy, przytoczę tylko:
"The term 'emotion' has been derived from the Latin word "emovere" which -means 'to move", 'to excite', 'to stirrup', or 'to agitate'. Arousal-behaviour is emotion, which is an affect-laden state of the organism. "Affect means experience of pleasantness, unpleasantness, excitation, calmness, tension and relaxation" (E.B. Titchener). It is what we mean when we say that we love, fear, and hate. Some of the other emotions are joy, acceptance, surprise, sadness, anger, and disgust etc."
Note added at 22 godz. (2012-07-10 18:21:53 GMT)
I jeszcze:
"In individual interviews, 80 children from ages 4 to 8 yrs predicted which of 5 emotions they would feel, and how intensely, to 15 affect-laden situations. The results indicate that responses involve 3 dimensions of emotion cognition (intensity, multiplicity, and valence) that emerge in a developmental sequence. Four-year-olds predict experiencing 1 emotion of varying intensity to a situation (Level A). They also predict experiencing multiple emotions, but at maximum intensity and the same valence (Level B). By age 6, children predict experiencing multiple emotions of varying intensity but the same valence (Level C). Children around age 8 predict multiple emotions of varying intensity and opposite valence (Level D). The number of emotions experienced at one time and accuracy also increased with development."
"In the present study, we used ISC analysis to test whether
emotions triggered by affect-laden events in movies are associated
with synchronization of viewers’ brain activity. Rather than
studying how emotions flow from one brain to another (e.g., ref
20), we focused on the tendency for emotional brain responses to
become synchronized across the members of a group exposed to
similar emotional events..."
Note added at 21 godz. (2012-07-10 17:24:55 GMT)
Ależ o emocjach mowa, o emocjach. Aby nie strzępić języka po próżnicy, przytoczę tylko:
"The term 'emotion' has been derived from the Latin word "emovere" which -means 'to move", 'to excite', 'to stirrup', or 'to agitate'. Arousal-behaviour is emotion, which is an affect-laden state of the organism. "Affect means experience of pleasantness, unpleasantness, excitation, calmness, tension and relaxation" (E.B. Titchener). It is what we mean when we say that we love, fear, and hate. Some of the other emotions are joy, acceptance, surprise, sadness, anger, and disgust etc."
Note added at 22 godz. (2012-07-10 18:21:53 GMT)
I jeszcze:
"In individual interviews, 80 children from ages 4 to 8 yrs predicted which of 5 emotions they would feel, and how intensely, to 15 affect-laden situations. The results indicate that responses involve 3 dimensions of emotion cognition (intensity, multiplicity, and valence) that emerge in a developmental sequence. Four-year-olds predict experiencing 1 emotion of varying intensity to a situation (Level A). They also predict experiencing multiple emotions, but at maximum intensity and the same valence (Level B). By age 6, children predict experiencing multiple emotions of varying intensity but the same valence (Level C). Children around age 8 predict multiple emotions of varying intensity and opposite valence (Level D). The number of emotions experienced at one time and accuracy also increased with development."
"In the present study, we used ISC analysis to test whether
emotions triggered by affect-laden events in movies are associated
with synchronization of viewers’ brain activity. Rather than
studying how emotions flow from one brain to another (e.g., ref
20), we focused on the tendency for emotional brain responses to
become synchronized across the members of a group exposed to
similar emotional events..."
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: afektywnie = uczuciowo, emocjonalnie - chyba niezbyt pasuje do kontekstu
5 hrs
Faza wznosząca? // Kontekst jaki jest, każdy widzi: psychologia. Patrz przykład wyżej.
agree |
Robert Andruszko
: Dokładnie ten sens!
13 hrs
To jest termin z dziedziny psychologii, który dotyczy emocji.
Ale - każdy ma prawo do popełniania błedów.