Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

many quick- tum operators naturally would take profits

Portuguese translation:

muitos operadores de curto prazo naturalmente iriam realizar lucros

Added to glossary by Annay Borges (X)
May 18, 2013 23:19
11 yrs ago
English term

many quick- tum operators naturally would take profits

English to Portuguese Other Business/Commerce (general)
Nevertheless, as our chart picture shows, demand did finally come in and absorb enough of the floating supply to turn the trend around. When prices pushed up and began to run into selling again near the level of the first Top, that was to be expected on "psychological” grounds; many quick- tum operators naturally would take profits at the old high (perhaps with the intention of jumping right back in at a still higher price if the old high should be exceeded).

Proposed translations

10 hrs

muitos operadores de curto prazo naturalmente iriam realizar lucros

No jargão da bolsa:
take profits: realizar lucros

Ainda não é hora de realizar lucros na bolsa, afirma BlackRock ...‎
13/03/2012 – O estrategista Bob Doll aposta num cenário macroeconômico mundial positivo e mostra quais são os riscos que ainda assolam os mercados ...
Em dia volátil, soja volta a realizar lucros e tem baixas de dois ...
Em dia volátil, soja volta a realizar lucros e tem baixas de dois dígitos. A volatilidade está marcando o pregão regular desta quarta-feira na Bolsa de Chicago no ...
Canal do Produtor - Bolsa volta a realizar lucros
O Ibovespa cai, dando continuidade à realização de lucros. O mercado de ações brasileiro segue a queda das bolsas de NY, onde há preocupação com a ...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "obrigada"
9 mins
English term (edited): many quick-turn operators naturally would take profits

evidentemente, vários operadores de giro rápido lucrariam


Note added at 11 mins (2013-05-18 23:30:39 GMT)

Há um typo nessa frase, Annay.
é quick-turn operators em vez de quick tum operators

Note added at 26 mins (2013-05-18 23:45:55 GMT)

Operadores extremamente ágeis
Peer comment(s):

agree Marlene Curtis : Sim, os primeiros a chegar...
14 mins
Tks, Marlene
agree Eline Rocha Majcher
1 day 1 hr
Tks, Eline
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