Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

volume of traffic that stops by the site to visit.

Portuguese translation:

volume de tráfego que visita o site.

Added to glossary by Adriana Martins Vieira Querino
Sep 12, 2011 11:25
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

volume of traffic that stops by the site to visit.

English to Portuguese Other IT (Information Technology)
It’s never been easier to put together your own blog and reap the benefits of the volume of traffic that stops by the site to visit.

Proposed translations

1 hr

volume de tráfego que visita o site.

Acredito que "volume que para" torna-se um pouco estranho em linguagem web.
Peer comment(s):

agree CláudiaMiranda
22 mins
agree Daniel Tavares : yep
1 hr
agree connie leite
1 day 39 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muito obrigada Lucio, Ricardo e Nina!"
3 mins

volume de tráfico que pára no site para o visitar.

Podem ser adoptadas alternativas como "volume de tráfico que pára para visitar o site" ou parecido, desde que mantenha o mesmo significado.
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1 hr

volume de tráfego que pára para visitar o site.

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