This question was closed without grading. Reason: Errant question
Sep 26, 2007 14:35
17 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term
chondro pick
English to Portuguese
Medical: Health Care
Surgical Technique
"Palheta de cartilagem"? "Raspador de cartilagem"?
"Use a shaver, high-speed burr, or chondro pick to prepare a bleeding bone bed."
"Use a shaver, high-speed burr, or chondro pick to prepare a bleeding bone bed."
Proposed translations
3 +1 | Chondro Pick (microfraturador) | Clauwolf |
Proposed translations
34 mins
Chondro Pick (microfraturador)
:) É marca:
[0004] Instruments for performing microfractures in a bone are sold by the company Artrex GmbH, Munich, Germany, under the brand name "Chondro Pick". ... - 33k -
[0004] Instruments for performing microfractures in a bone are sold by the company Artrex GmbH, Munich, Germany, under the brand name "Chondro Pick". ... - 33k -
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