Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

check in appreciation

Portuguese translation:

cheque como recompensa

Added to glossary by Luciano Monteiro
Aug 22, 2005 09:08
19 yrs ago
English term

check in appreciation

English to Portuguese Law/Patents Other Brazilian Portuguese
If I choose to complete the survey, I will provide my name and address to the survey conductor and will receive a check in appreciation for my participation in the survey.
Proposed translations (Portuguese)
4 cheque como recompensa

Proposed translations

12 mins

cheque como recompensa

(...) receberei um cheque como recompensa por minha participação (...)
Peer comment(s):

neutral Aurelio Beroth : usaria agradecimento ao invés de recompensa
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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