Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
first-updater-wins version
Portuguese translation:
versão com \"first-updater-wins\" (validado(a) pelo primeiro atualizador)
Added to glossary by
Teresa Cristina Felix de Sousa
Apr 13, 2011 11:59
13 yrs ago
English term
first-updater-wins version
English to Portuguese
The MVCC scheme in the PostgreSQL implements the first-updater-wins version of the snapshot isolation protocol, by acquiring exclusive locks on rows that are written, but using a snapshot (without any locking) when reading rows; additional validation is done when exclusive locks are obtained
Proposed translations
23 mins
versão com "first-updater-wins" (validado(a) pelo primeiro atualizador)
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de RBB de Dados - 2009 - Artigos relacionados
4.6.1 Controlo de concorrência com first updater wins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28. 4.6.2 Consequências do controlo de concorrência . ... - Similares
Formato do arquivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Visualização rápida
de RBB de Dados - 2009 - Artigos relacionados
4.6.1 Controlo de concorrência com first updater wins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28. 4.6.2 Consequências do controlo de concorrência . ... - Similares
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Obrigada, flamenguista
1 hr
versão "primeiro que atualiza vence"
Aqui uma versão traduzida da frase. Eu costumo colocar termos assim com a tradução entre parênteses. Assim, a pessoa que não entende o inglês aprende o que significa.
1 hr
versão da regra "primeira atualização é executada" (first-updater-wins version )
- PDF] Lock Tuning Concurrency Control Goals - [ Traduzir esta página ]Formato do arquivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Visualização rápida
Oracle implements first updater wins rule (variant of first committer wins”). • concurrent writer check is done at time of write, not at commit ...
Chapter 17: Concurrency Control (4) - [ Traduzir esta página ]... by Oracle and PostgreSQL PostgreSQL's implementation of SI described in Section Oracle implements “first updater wins” rule (variant of “first ...
- Snapshot isolation as proposed in [1] and implemented in Oracle is based on first-committer-wins; that is, if two transactions modify the same row, which is permitted in this scheme, the first transaction to COMMIT “wins”, and other transactions in conflict will be unable to COMMIT, and must ROLLBACK. In contrast, snapshot isolation in SQL Anywhere is based on first-writer-wins, which (still) forces writers to block writers.
- Update conflicts are possible with MVCC. Conflicts are resolved so that the first updater wins. In other words, the first update succeeds, and the conflicting one either receives an error or retries the update. ... -
- PDF] Lock Tuning Concurrency Control Goals - [ Traduzir esta página ]Formato do arquivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Visualização rápida
Oracle implements first updater wins rule (variant of first committer wins”). • concurrent writer check is done at time of write, not at commit ...
Chapter 17: Concurrency Control (4) - [ Traduzir esta página ]... by Oracle and PostgreSQL PostgreSQL's implementation of SI described in Section Oracle implements “first updater wins” rule (variant of “first ...
- Snapshot isolation as proposed in [1] and implemented in Oracle is based on first-committer-wins; that is, if two transactions modify the same row, which is permitted in this scheme, the first transaction to COMMIT “wins”, and other transactions in conflict will be unable to COMMIT, and must ROLLBACK. In contrast, snapshot isolation in SQL Anywhere is based on first-writer-wins, which (still) forces writers to block writers.
- Update conflicts are possible with MVCC. Conflicts are resolved so that the first updater wins. In other words, the first update succeeds, and the conflicting one either receives an error or retries the update. ... -
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