Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

inventory-less trend

Portuguese translation:

tendência para diminuição de estoque

Added to glossary by Mary Palmer
Jul 5, 2011 17:26
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

inventory-less trend

English to Portuguese Other Printing & Publishing
How would you say this into Portuguese?

Thanks again!

Thank you for coming to today's demonstration of Konica Minolta's full color mid-production unit bizhub PRESS-C8000.
Due to the diversification of consumer need, the concept of marketing by the business enterprise has shifted from mass marketing to segmented one-to-one marketing and the strategy from focusing on the number of customers to focusing on shares within customers.
Correspondingly, in addition to acceleration of multiple small lots product types, shorter delivery periods, customization, and an **inventory-less trend** for many print tools, there is demand for extensive proposals for print media.

The bizhubPRESS-C-8000 has been developed to respond to such needs.

Today, I would like to talk to you about two advantages with the C8000.
The first is whole order acceptance for print media through being able to respond with high image quality and paper. The second is the search for total cost reduction through elimination of loss.


Creio que... ... significa a tendência para ter menos produtos em stock, mas não tenho a certeza...
Mary Palmer (asker) Jul 5, 2011:
Sorry..I meant to say how would you "translate" this into Portuguese...

Proposed translations

2 hrs

tendência para diminuição de estoque

outra forma
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks again Ligia! :)"
12 mins

tendência a não acumular estoque

Something went wrong...
1 day 20 hrs

..inventário reduzido(menos volume de stock)

Eu espero poder ajudar...)
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