Dec 8, 2009 17:45
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

Utter, damned rot!

English to Romanian Art/Literary Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
The context in which the expression appears is this:

"Utter, damned rot!" said the president of the prestigious American Philosophical Society about Wegener's theory.

Proposed translations

14 hrs

(Este) o prostie/dobitocie absoluta!

Fiind vorba de "caracterizarea" teoriei, cred ca e mai potrivita aceasta traducere...
"Utter" este important in contextul dat deoarece amplifica sensul mesajului transmis - dezacord total fata de respectiva teorie (ca adjectiv, utter = total, absolut, cumplit). Am preferat sa las deoparte "damned," in romana ar schimba sensul...
Peer comment(s):

agree George C. : corectă observaţia, 'utter, damned rot' se referă la teoria respectivă
4 hrs
Multumesc! :)
agree adami
9 hrs
Multumesc! :)
agree Roxana Nechita
1 day 11 hrs
Multumesc! :)
agree Tradeuro Language Services
2 days 23 hrs
Multumesc! :)
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
58 mins

vorbeste in dodii

to talk rot - (a vorbi in) dodii
cu varianta "vorbeste numai prostii"
fiind o expresie, cred ca "utter" ramane pe dinafara...
Peer comment(s):

agree MMUK (X)
47 mins
Multumesc Mirela:)
agree Sandra Roselee
14 hrs
multumesc :)
Something went wrong...
19 hrs

O mare inepţie!

Cred că spune totul.
Peer comment(s):

agree Roxana Nechita
1 day 7 hrs
Something went wrong...
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