Dec 12, 2001 01:34
23 yrs ago
English term
The next time we take a day off will be much better
English to Romanian
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
17 hrs
Data viitoare când vom lua o zi liberă va fi mult mai bine.
The context is not enough for deciding who "we" is. Therefore, I hesitated between inserting or omitting "ne" (the reflexive pronoun)before the verb into Romanian. Finally, I chose the more general option: omitting it.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
36 mins
la próxima vez que nos tomemos el día libre será mucho mejor.
that's it.
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
Elvira Stoianov
: wrong language
6 hrs
You are right, I said sorry one minute after I answered it.
37 mins
I translated it into Spanish.
2 hrs
Data viitoare cind vom lua o zi libera va fi mult mai bine.
Native speaker.
2 hrs
Data viitoare cand vom lua o zi libera va fi mult mai bine.
Note: cand – a has a cicumflex accent
libera – a has a tilde
Native speaker.
libera – a has a tilde
Native speaker.
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